16th Machine Translation Marathon 2023

Delta students
Andero Kalju

The 16th Machine Translation Marathon will take place from 28 August to 2 September at the University of Tartu Delta Centre.

Organized by TartuNLP, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, the 16th Machine Translation Marathon 2023 is a week-long gathering of machine translation researchers, developers, students and users.

Registration deadline: 15 July
Please register here.

Event features

  • Machine Translation Lectures and Labs covering the basics and tutorials.
  • Keynote Talks from experienced researchers and practitioners.
  • Presentations of research and open source tools related to Machine Translation.
  • Hacking Projects to advance tools or research in one week or start new collaborations.


Practically anyone can participate: students who want to learn about machine translation, junior and senior researchers, hacking project proposers, industry representatives, etc.
Participation is free, whereas accommodation and travels are handled by the participants.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Rico Sennrich, University of Zurich
  • Jörg Tiedemann, University of Helsinki
  • Ricardo Rei, Unbabel
  • Nikolai Bogoychev, University of Edinburgh
  • Alexandra Birch-Mayne, University of Edinburgh
  • Maja Popović, Dublin City University

More to be announced!

You will find more information on the event website: https://mtm23.cs.ut.ee/.
If you have any questions, please contact us at

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