
Institute of Computer Science researchers on Google Scholar and ETIS.

Chair of Data Science

Data mining, machine learning, algorithms, bioinformatics and computational neuroscience are some of the things researchers in this group are working on. For example, they are helping biologists research the development of stem cells and to determine the re-creation of cancer cells, but they also analyse patterns in the brain, work on machine learning and artificial intelligence related matters.

Autonomous Driving Lab
Bioinformatics (BIIT)
Biomedical Computer Vision Lab
Data Systems Group
Health Informatics
Machine Learning Research Group
Natural & Artificial Intelligence Lab
Scaling and Intelligence Lab

Chair of Programming Languages and Systems

Researchers in this group are looking for ways to help programmers write better quality code. For example, they are looking into ways to find errors in code without having to actually run it—they are trying to mathematically prove the properties of the programme, which is relevant in critically important systems. Another research direction is researching different ways to write code and their problems and solutions—this may lead to the development of new and better programming languages.

Informatics didactics workgroup
Laboratory for Software Science

Chair of Security and Theoretical Computer Science

The dawn of the age of the internet is positive, but also leads to worries that there is always somebody "eavesdropping". To help with that we need more and more clever ways to protect privacy and methods to safeguard data—this is an important challenge also for theoretical computer science. Researchers at UT have participated in developing the Estonian ID-card, E-voting and X-road solutions—all of which have helped put Estonia on the map as a cradle for IT innovation. But the application of cryptography is not only limited to single users. One of the current main research fields is privacy preserving data analyses, which would enable competing companies to work together while preserving confidential business data (i.e. analysing consumer behaviour patterns etc).

Applied Cyber Security
Coding and Information Transmission Group
Cryptography Research Group

Chair of Software Engineering & Information Systems

The members of the Software Engineering & Information Systems Chair conduct research and teaching in the field of software and information systems engineering with an emphasis on applying data science methods for business process management as well as software process and product analysis. In addition, members of the Chair conduct research and teaching in the field of information security with an emphasis on secure system design and requirements engineering, interdisciplinary research and development work in the intersection of information systems and software engineering, psychology and social sciences, as well as research in the field of computational social science employing data science techniques.

Computational Social Science Group
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Lab
Digital Supply Chain Research Group
Human Experience & Interaction Design Lab
Information Security Research Group
Research Group of Human-Centric Information Systems
Software Engineering & Information Systems Group
Software Engineering Analytics Group

Chair of Distributed Systems

What to do if the computational task to be solved is so large, computationally intensive and time-consuming that one CPU is not enough to solve it? How to create functioning distributed computing environments using modern cloud computing systems, mobile devices for data collection and processing? The Distributed Systems Research Group is exploring how to effectively parallelize algorithms and programs; how to implement cloud computing systems in computing; how modern IoT systems work as novel solutions (e.g. resource-efficient smart home, or smart office). Research and development is taking place also in the field of intelligent transport systems, pervasive systems as well as in the novel area of self-driving vehicles.

Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group
Distributed Systems
FLOW lab
Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab
Internet of Things Lab
Mobile and Cloud Computing Laboratory

Chair of Natural Language Processing

Machine learning and data mining on text data, machine translation from one natural language into another, summarization of a long text document, automatic analysis of grammatical correctness, word meanings and sentence structure -- these are just a few problems that the Natural Language Processing research group is working on. Our work includes theoretical research, like searching for the best possible approach to a yet unsolved problem, as well as practical solutions and collaboration projects with industry.

Natural Language Processing

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