Internship in IT

What is this?

IT internship is a compulsory part of all bachelor's and master's degree programs of the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Tartu. Companies and organizations can offer their internships and find suitable interns amongst our students. The internship allows the partnering company/organization to include a highly motivated student into their team who can then make the most of the skills acquired during studies.

How to submit internship offers?

Companies and organizations can submit internship offers as follows:

  • Add your offer to the internship database of the Institute of Computer Science.
  • Participate in the Delta Career Day, where more than 50 organizations are represented each year.

What should a student's internship look like?


Ideally, the internship at full time should last 1-3 months and take place during the summer. This is for the simple reason that students do not have other studies during the summer and this allows them to fully focus on the internship. Internships with an alternative timeframe are not ruled out, however.

In-company supervision of the intern:

It must be taken into account that the students in the institute are still halfway through their study process. This means that the appointment of a mentor should also be considered when recruiting interns. The presence of a supervisor is important, above all, to set up internship tasks and to support the student in solving them. The supervisor is also important for the intern if they wish to complete their thesis in cooperation with the company or to earn internship credits at university after the internship.

Duties of the intern:

The internship should be in such a format that the trainee has clear tasks throughout the internship. As traineeships are usually carried out during the summer, it must be kept in mind that the supervisor should be replaced while they are on leave.

Location of internship:

During the summer period - when there are no active studying activities - students can do internships anywhere in Estonia and in the world. During the academic year, we prefer if the internship is located in Tartu or at least, remote working opportunities are provided, so that the student would physically be able to take part of their studies.

Industrial Master's Programme in IT

If a partner wishes to solve a problem with a greater scope, joining the Industrial Master's Programme in IT could be considered as an alternative to internship. It is a practical study program during which our master's students spend their last year of university studies at our partners, bringing a systematic and scientific approach to their projects.

Should you have any questions, reach out to our internship coordinator Pelle Jakovits.

Pelle Jakovits
internship coordinator
737 6422

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