Delta Career Day

Date: 19 February 2025
Time: 11:00–16:00
Venue: University of Tartu Academic Sports Club (Ujula 4a, Tartu)
Organisers: University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science, School of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics and Institute of Technology

Event website

Previous Career Days

In 2024 the Delta Career Day took place on 28 February at the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club. The event was organised with the University of Tartu School of Economics and Administration, Institute of Technology and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

The following companies participated

Adcash / Astro Baltics / Baltic-American Freedom Foundation / Baltic Workboats / Bigbank / CGI Estonia / Coop Bank / Cybernetica / Estonian Business and Innovation Agency / Elering / Entain Baltics and Nordics / Ericsson Estonia / Ernst & Young Estonia / Erply / European Commission Representation in Estonia / Foxway / Fujitsu Estonia / Games Global / gotoAndPlay / GPV Estonia / HANZA Mechanics Tartu / Jobling / Estonian Internal Security Service / Defence Resources Agency / KappaZeta / KPMG Baltics / KrattWorks / LHV Bank / Luminor Bank / The Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge / Metrosert / Microsoft / Milrem Robotics / Nordea Estonia / Playtech Estonia / Agricultural Registers and Information Board / Proekspert / PricewaterhouseCoopers / Financial Intelligence Unit / Centre of Registers and Information Systems / Government Office of Estonia, European Union Secretariat / Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Finance of Estonia / SEB Bank / IT and Development Centre at the Estonian Ministry of the Interior / Sparkle Solutions / STACC / Statistics Estonia / Swedbank / Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu / University of Tartu Counselling Centre / Tele2 Estonia / Telia Estonia / Tuum / Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In 2023 the Delta Career Day took place on 2 March at the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club. The event was organised with the University of Tartu School of Economics and Administration and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

In 2023 the following companies participated

1oT / Adcash / Baltic-American Freedom Foundation / Bigbank / Bitweb / Boku Network Services Estonia / BRS Networks Baltic / CGI Eesti / Civitta Eesti / Cleveron / Clevon / Cybernetica / Eesti Energia / Eesti Virtuaal- ja Liitreaalsuse Assotsiatsioon / Ericsson Eesti / Finantsinspektsioon / Foxway / Fujitsu Estonia / gotoAndPlay / HANZA Mechanics Tartu / Haut.AI / Helmes / Jobling / KPMG Baltics / Kuehne+Nagel IT Service Centre / LHV Pank / Luminor Bank / Maksu- ja Tolliamet / Mercans / Microsoft Development Center Estonia / Milrem / Mindtitan / Nordea Bank Abp Eesti filiaal / Playtech Estonia / Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet (PRIA) / PricewaterhouseCoopers / Proekspert / Rahandusministeerium / Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus / Rahapesu Andmebüroo / Riigikaitse karjäärikeskus I Küberväejuhatus / SEB Pank / Shepherd / Snowhound / STACC / Statistikaamet / Swedbank / Tarmetec / Tele2 Eesti / Telia Eesti / TNG Technology Consulting GmbH / Wise

In 2022 the Delta Career Day took place on 3 March at the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club. The event was organised with the University of Tartu School of Economics and Administration and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

46 organisations participated.

Adcash / Bigbank / Bolt / CGI Eesti / Comodule / Cybernetica / Eesti Energia / Eesti Virtuaal- ja Liitreaalsuse Assotsiatsioon / Fintech Market / Fortumo / Foxway / Fujitsu Estonia / gotoAndPlay / HANZA Mechanics Tartu / Inbank / KappaZeta / Keskkonnaagentuur / KPMG Baltics / LHV Pank / Lumav Commerce / Luminor Group / Microsoft Development Center Estonia / Milrem / MindTitan / Noored Kooli / Nortal / Playtech Estonia / Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet / Positium / ProcewaterhouseCoopers / Qminder / Reach-U / Ridango / SEB Pank / Snowhound / STACC / Starship Technologies / Statistikaamet / Swedbank / Tartu Ülikooli teadusarvutuste keskus / Tele2 Eesti / Telia Eesti / Turnit / Twilio / Välisministeerium / Wise

In 2021, the Delta Career Day was held virtually in the VirBela environment for the first time. The event was organised with the University of Tartu School of Economics and Administration and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

35 organisations participated.

Adcash / AFS IT Services Estonia / Auve Tech / Baltic-American Freedom Foundation / CGI Eesti / Cybernetica / Eesti Energia / Foxway / Fujitsu Estonia / gotoAndPlay / Helmes / Inbank / IQVIA / Ispirer Systems / KPMG Baltics / Kühne + Nagel IT Service Centre / Lumav Commerce / Luminor Group / Malwarebytes Estonia / Milrem / Noored Kooli / Pipedrive / Playtech Estonia / PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)/ Proekspert / SEB Pank / Shepherd / Singularity Creations / Solaride / STACC / Statistikaamet / Swedbank / Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut / Futulab / Tartu Ülikooli infotehnoloogia osakond ja teadusarvutuste keskus / Tele2 Eesti / Telia Eesti / Transferwise / Twilio / Veriff

In 2020, the Delta Career Day was held virtually in the VirBela environment for the first time. The event was organised with the University of Tartu School of Economics and Administration and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

56 organisations participated.

Adcash / AFS IT Services Estonia / Artec Design / Axinom / Baltic-American Freedom Foundation / Bigbank / Concise Systems / Deloitte Audit Eesti / Cybernetica / eAgronom / Eesti Energia / Emor / ERGO Insurance / Finestmedia / Finnair Business Services / Fujitsu Estonia / Glia / gotoAndPlay / HautAI / Helmes/ HireRight Estonia / IQVIA / Keskkonnaagentuur / KPMG Baltics / Kühne+Nagel / Luminor Bank / L'Oreal Baltic / Lumav Commerce / Messente Communications / Milrem Robotics / MindTitan / Mobi Lab / Noored Kooli / Nortal / Playtech Estonia / Postimees Grupp / PricewaterhouseCoopers / Proekspert / Rahandusministeerium / RangeForce / Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet / SEB Pank / Singleton Group / Singularity Creations / Skype Technologies / STACC / Statistikaamet / Swedbank / Tartu Ülikooli infotehnoloogiaosakond / Tele2 / Telia / TestDevLab / TransferWise / Twilio / Veriff / Neway - Sviby

In preparation for the Institute’s move of the University of Tartu Delta Centre in 2020, the career day was held in 2019 on 13 February for the first time in the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club together with the University of Tartu School of Economics and Administration and the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

41 organisations participated.

Kühne + Nagel / Nortal / Feelingstream / Omniva / KPMG / Wisemedia / Reach-U / Helmes / Bigbank / gotoAndPlay / Eesti Pank / MindTitan / Playtech Estonia / Fujitsu / Bondora / ZeroTurnaround - Rogue / Wave Software / Mobi Lab / Microsoft - Skype / Messente Communications / Singleton Group / STACC / SEB Pank / Finestmedia / Proekspert / Twilio / Keskkonnaagentuur / Cybernetica / Statistikaamet / Baltika / Concise Systems / PricewaterhouseCoopers / Axinom / Finnair Business Services / Tartu Ülikooli õppeosakond ja nõustamiskeskus / Taxify / Civitta / Sotsiaalministeerium / Glia / Tervise ja heaolu Infosüsteemide Keskus / Datel

In 2018, the Institute of Computer Science Career Day was held on 14 April in the Athena Centre. The following companies participated.

Aedes Web Solutions / Arvato Services Estonia / Axinom / CGI Eesti / Cybernetica / Datel / Derivco Estonia / Elisa Eesti / Entanqle / Evocon / Fujitsu Estonia / Helmes / Keskonnaagentuur / Kühne+Nagel IT Centre / LHV / Mobi Lab / Mooncascade / Nevercode / Pipedrive / Playtech Estonia / Reach-U / SaleMove / STACC / Swedbank / Taxify/ TÜ õppeosakond / Twilio Estonia / Uptime / Wisemedia

In 2017, the Institute of Computer Science Career Day was held on 7 April in the Paabel Study Building. The following companies participated.

Cloudator / Arvato / Axinom / CGI / Cybernetica / Fortumo / Helmes / Mobi Lab / Mooncascade / Nortal / Pipedrive / Playtech / SaleMove / Siseministeerumi infotehnoloogia ja arenduskeskus (SMIT) / STACC / Swedbank / Aedes Web Solutions / Quretec / Fujitsu / Wisemedia / Nevercode / Iglu

In 2016, the Institute of Computer Science Career Day was held on 18 March in the Paabel Study Building. At the career day's opening, the Institute's Student Project Contest winners were awarded. In the corridors of the Paabel Study Building it was possible to get acquainted with all the projects. The following organizations participated in the career day.

Twilio / Mooncascade / Aedes Web Solutions / CGI / ZeroTurnaround / Nortal / Uptime / Helmes / Ecofleet Eesti / Axinom / SaleMove / Fortumo / Funkwerk Systems GmbH / Pipedrive / Fujitsu Estonia / TransferWise / Reach-U / Cybernetica / Playtech / Wazombi Labs / Mobi Lab / Concise Systems / AIESEC

In 2015, the Institute of Computer Science Career Day was held on 18 March in the J. Liivi 2 Study Building. At the career day's opening, the Institute's Student Project Contest winners were awarded. In the corridors of the Study Building it was possible to get acquainted with all the projects. The following organizations participated in the career day.

STACC / Twilio Estonia / Playtech / Fortumo / Axinom / Kühne+Nagel / ZeroTurnaround / Tieto / Eesti Innovatsiooni Instituut / Mooncascade / CGI / Nortal / Knowit Estonia / Helmes / Cybernetica / Mobi Lab / Regio-Reach-U / Wazombi Labs

In 2014, the Institute of Computer Science Career Day was held on 18 March in the J. Liivi 2 Study Building. At the career day's opening, the Institute's Student Project Contest winners were awarded.

The following organizations participated in the career day.

Axinom / CGI / Cybernetica / Ericsson / Fortumo / Fujitsu Service / Kühne+Nagel / Levira / Mooncascade / Nortal / Playtech Estonia / Quretec / SaleMove / STACC / ZeroTurnaround / Tudengiveeb / TÜ arvutiteaduse instituut / Uptime

The third Institute of Computer Science Career Day took place on 15 March.

The following organizations participated in the career day.

Axinom Eesti / CGI / Cybernetica / Eliko / Elion / Fortumo / Fujitsu / Mobi Solutions / Mooncascade / Nortal / Playtech / Proekspert / Quardtime / Quretec / STACC / Swedbank / Tarkvaralabor / Tudengiveeb / Uptime / Ubit / ZeroTurnaround

The second Institute of Computer Science Career Day took place on 15 March.

The following organizations participated in the career day.

Axinom Eesti / Edicy / Eesti Energia / Elion / Fortumo / Fujitsu Services / Logica / Mindware / Mobi Solutions / Mooncascade / Noored Kool / Playtech Estonia / Quretec / Proekspert / Swedbank / ZeroTurnaround / TÜ arvutiteaduse instituut / Ubit / Uptime / Webmedia

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