Andrea Rotenberg

Computer Science MSc

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International students can apply to the Computer Science Master’s programme from 1 January until 15 March by using DreamApply. Estonian applicants from 1 February to 15 March by using National Admission Information Systems (SAIS). 

If you have questions regarding the programme, write to the Programme Director, Prof. Eero Vainikko or for general questions about admission.


The curriculum starts with a core module where students acquire basic skills in computer science (24 ECTS). You can then choose one of the three specialisation modules (24 ECTS). In addition the curriculum has a Master’s seminar module (6 ECTS), the electives module (12 ECTS), the practice module (18 ECTS). You can take 6 ECTS of optional courses from UT or any other university. At the end of your studies you have to submit a Master’s thesis (30 ECTS). Please find the entire curriculum content on Study Information System (ÕIS). For more information about studying abroad, visit the following site

The core module consists of four 6 ECTS courses:

  • Algorithmics
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Distributed Systems
  • Machine Learning

In the specialisation module you have to choose 24 ECTS worth of courses within one of the three specialisations:

  • Cryptography and Security (includes tracks in Cryptography, Coding Theory, Quantum Computing) 
  • Distributed Systems (includes High Performance Computing, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Intelligent Transportation Systems) 
  • Artificial Intelligence (includes Big Data Management, Bioinformatics, Computational Neuroscience, Natural Language Processing, Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing)

For the electives module you can choose additional courses worth of 12 ECTS from the list of courses taught at the master’s level by the Institute of Computer Science. You can also choose courses outside the institute if they are related to your studies and agreed upon by your supervisor and the curriculum manager.

For the practice module you can choose 18 ECTS worth of courses or project within the following subjects:

  • Didactic Practice (6 ECTS)
  • Didactics in Infrormatics (I and II, 3+3 ECTS)
  • Practical Training in Information Technology (12 ECTS)
  • Software Entrepreneurship Project (12 ECTS) or some other course involving a project.

It is highly recommended to claim the masters thesis credits in two parts: 10 ECTS in the end of 3rd semester and 20 ECTS upon final defense of the thesis.

If you are interested in the contents of individual courses, please have a look at

Sample Study Plan

These are just some examples of how to plan the studies depending on the chosen specialisation module – individual variations are always possible.

Industrial Master’s Programme in IT

As a first-year student of Computer Science, you can apply to the Industrial Master’s Programme in IT. The programme participants spend most of the second year of their studies at partner companies. For master’s students, this is an outstanding opportunity to unite two essential phases in life without compromising on either of them: to start their professional career and to graduate from their master’s studies in a nominal time. The program participants find a topic for their master’s thesis, get their obligatory practical training done and find professional and personal development opportunities. And for all that, you will receive a scholarship of €900 per month!

More information can be found here.


The lecturing team of the masters' in Computer Science includes top-level academics and researchers with international teaching experience acquired in over 20 universities worldwide. The permanent lecturing team is complemented by guest lecturers from Estonia’s most successful IT companies, including Skype, Zeroturnaround, Nortal, and Fortumo. Meet us and join us!

The following persons can be contacted with regards to questions about the master's of Computer Science program:

  • Eero Vainikko: Program Director; primary contact for academic questions related to the overall program.
  • Pelle Jakovits: Practice Coordinator at the Institute of Computer Science; he is the primary contact for students who take the practice module at UT.