Technology behind the AI (r)evolution (26.04.2023)


Recent (r)evolution of AI has been powered by the build-up of the capacity of the underlying compute platforms thanks to companies like NVIDIA and of course, thanks to the amount of available data.

We are proud to announce a joint data science seminar by NVIDIA and University of Tartu on April 26th, 3:30 - 8 pm Estonian time.

Technology behind AI revolution - April 26, 4-8pm

The seminar will see discussion on compute platforms needed for AI. We will focus on two application areas, Large Language Models (LLM) and autonomous driving. Three presentations are by NVIDIA senior technical personnel, two by UniTartuCS researchers and one from University of Iowa, USA.

Venue: Delta Center large auditorium (1037), Narva mnt 18, Tartu. This is a networking event, all participants are expected to attend in person.

To plan for the catering needs, we kindly request to register as soon as possible:

Register here

Programme in detail (April 26, 2023):

Moderator: Jaak Vilo

15:30 gathering, coffee, networking

16:00 - 17:15 Session I (NVIDIA and Large Language Models)

16:00 Introduction to AI at NVIDIA (Liron Friend-Saadon, Director of Developer Relations, NVIDIA)

16:25 Large language models in Estonian language technology (Kairit Sirts, Associate professor, University of Tartu)

16:50 Leveraging Large Language Models for Enterprise Usage (Zenodia Charpy, Senior Deep Learning Data Scientist, NVIDIA)

17:15-17:45 Networking break with coffee and snacks

17:45 - 19:00 Session II Autonomous Driving at scale

17:45 Supercharging Systems with GPU Acceleration: Autonomous Driving at Scale (Fabian Weiss, Senior Deep Learning SW Engineer, NVIDIA)

18:10 Lessons Learned from ADS Testing on Rural Roadways in Iowa (Omar Ahmad, Deputy Director, Driving Safety Research Institute, University of Iowa)

18:35 Autonomy software from scratch - for teaching, research and fun (Tambet Matiisen, Lead Engineer, University of Tartu Autonomous Driving Lab)

19:00 - 20:00 Networking, snacks and drinks continue until 8pm and beyond


Prof. Jaak Vilo
Data Science Chair
Institute of Computer Science
University of Tartu, +372 50 49 365 (Jaak Vilo)
, +372 55 963 888 (Karl Lomp)

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