Topic: research

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08. June 2023 research
Laureate of the Young IT Scientist Award is Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence Dmytro Fishman (podcast episode added)
On 23 May in Kadriorg, Tallinn, President Alar Karis presented the Young Scientist Awards of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic. The Young IT Scientist Award was given to Dmytro
All young scientist awards of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic went to University of Tartu researchers
Young Scientist Award, the Young Environmental Scientist Award and the Young IT Scientist Award of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic went to University of Tartu researchers
23. May 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Mohammad Anagreh “Privacy-preserving parallel computations for graph problems”
Mohammad Anagreh kaitseb doktoritööd „Privacy-preserving parallel computations for graph problems“
15. May 2023 researchfor society
Technology behind the AI (r)evolution (26.04.2023)
Technology behind the AI (r)evolution - April 26th 4-8pm
12. April 2023 entrepreneurshipresearch
University of Tartu participates as a data partner in the DARWIN EU® research network for data analysis and action data
The University of Tartu has been selected by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as one of the data partners of the DARWIN EU® network. This  is a first step towards the common use of health data
IT Academy Research Summit
To mark the closing of the IT Academy research programme(2018-2023), we are inviting you to the IT Academy Research Summit.
The University of Tartu machine translation engine now supports 17 new Finno-Ugric languages
Researchers at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science have added Livonian, Komi, Veps and 14 other low-resource Finno-Ugric languages to Neurotõlge.
14. March 2023 sustainabilityresearch
The European Quantum Computer Project OpenSuperQ Is Extended
The project OpenSuperQPlus – part of the European Quantum Technology Flagship – gets underway.
09. March 2023 internationalresearch
New smart ring detects whether a drink has been spiked
Researchers from the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science have developed "Hedgehog," a smart ring prototype that can detect tampering with a beverage.
22. February 2023 research