Successful collaboration projects

Check out our recent successful collaboration projects.

Building AI models for microscopy image analysis

Designing a methodology for real-time visualisation and estimation of mobility modality distribution in Tartu City

Isejuhtivate sõidukite labori arendamine 4. taseme autonoomsuse tehnoloogia rakendusuuringuteks ning teadus- ja arendustöö isejuhtivate sõidukite tehnoloogia valdkonnas

Personaalmeditsiini rakendamine Eestis

Collaborative research and development projects

Name of the project: Development of personalized medicine solutions in Estonia

Objective: Development of IT solutions for personalised medicine

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Name of the project: Applied research on system of sensors and software algorithms for safety and driver assistance on remotely operated ground vehicles for off-road applications

Objective: Developing the ability of remotely controlled vehicles to perceive their surroundings and location outside the regular urban environment and manage themselves in a situation where communication with the operator and satellite positioning may be interrupted.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Autonomous Driving Lab

Objective: The aim is to carry out an applied study of self-driving cars, focusing on the possibility of using open-source solutions to create ride-sharing service based on them by 2026.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Adaptive anti-money laundering monitoring and intelligence systems

Objective: The goal of the project is to enhance Swedbank’s anti-money laundering measures and their cost-efficiency by developing methods for pre-processing complex and unstructured data and data science solutions for improving the accuracy and specificity of suspicious financial activity detection.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Applying deep neural networks in cellular image analysis

Objective: In this project, the parties desire to collaborate on investigating the possibilities of applying deep neural networks in cellular image analysis.

Read more here and here.

Name of the project: Fibre optic communication coding

Objective: The details of the project cannot be disclosed because of the confidentiality agreement.

Name of the project: Development of public sector machine translation technology

Objective: The goal of this project is create state-of-the-art machine translation solutions for six language pairs (Estonian-English-Estonian, Estonian-Russian-Estonian, Estonian-German-Estonian) and four text domains (crisis info texts, health texts, state security texts and general domain).

Read more here.

Name of the project: Population Movement Analytics, Monitoring and Prediction Algorithms

Objective: Main objectives in this project are shaped around the idea of modeling human mobility and prediction because it is the key step towards a new, smart, innovative and sustainable living environment.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Expressive and rich text-to-speech synthesis for Estonian

Objective: The "Expressive and rich text-to-speech synthesis for Estonian" project is funded by the National Programme for Estonian Language Technology, ministry of education and science. The goal is to achieve a much more natural and rich sound for synthesized Estonian speech, with a longer goal of wider adoption of this technology due to better quality.

Read more here.

Name of the project: IoT lab

Objective: The aim is to promote research and development in the IoT field and to educate students and the general public, to generate new business ideas and to encourage the emergence of businesses.

Read more here and here.

Name of the project: Automation of epub conversion from PDF, Word, InDesign

Objective: The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for the PDF file to convert to an ePub format in a more cost-effective way. In the course of the project, the work process will be simplified in order to allow for the involvement of a non-professional workforce.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Designing a methodology for real-time visualisation and estimation of mobility modality distribution in Tartu City

Objective: The project addresses one of the challenging topics in urban transportation, which is depicting the different means of transport used during daily activities in urban areas. Hence, the modal split is considered as one of the primary indicators for understanding urban mobility dynamics. In this project, we are innovating by replacing traditional surveys with different sensors and data sources and providing daily real-time information about the modal split in the city.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Noise Modelling for Refining Farming Activities Recognition based on Sentinel Data

Objective: The project is about investigating methods and techniques for modelling noise and enhancing predictive models.

Read more here.

Name of the project: Developing methods to analyze the buying habits of chainstore clients

Objective: Development of customer behaviour analysis methods and data analysis to identify descriptive facts about customer behaviour, segmentation of different customer groups, etc.

Read more here.

Name of the project: This project is a collaboration between the Software Engineering sub-group with the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) in Austria. The main goal of the project is to evaluate existing and developing new methods, techniques, and tools for (semi-)automatic test oracle generation. This project is part of the COMET Research Programme.

Principal Investigator: Dietmar Pfahl
Research staff involved: Kristiina Rahkema, Alejandra Duque-Torres

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