AS Medisoft, in collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science and AIRE, is testing the use of large language models to automate the documentation of general physician's (GP) visits.
Language models (such as Le Chat, EuroLLM, Llama, and ChatGPT) have turned the world of artificial intelligence on its head and are increasingly influencing the rest of the world.
Four organisations joined the Digital Product Management Industry Project Course in the autumn semester, all of which presented a unique challenge to the student teams.
As has become a tradition, this year the Institute of Computer Science will participate in the sTARTUp Day entrepreneurship conference. The conference will take place on 29-31 January.
Oma koostöös organisatsioonidega lähtume printsiibist toetada ettevõttes innovatsiooni loomist, integreerides teadus- ja arendus- ning õppetööd konkreetsete väljakutsete lahendamisega.
29–31 January sees the 9th Startup Day business festival. The University of Tartu will showcase its entrepreneurial research activities in the demo area, discuss the myths of the deep tech business on the main stage, and lead and organise seminars and side events.
The Data Science Seminar "Triple-Helix Collaboration on Data" will focus on the synergy between academia, industry, and government known as the "triple-helix" model.