Final event of the Student Project Contest

ATI tudengiprojektid
Henry Narits

The Student Project Contest of the Institute of Computer Science is on.
Dear student! Enter your project in the competition and win real money!

The project submitted has to be in the field of IT. It can be practical or theoretical research or implementation project. It may be associated with any course or be a completely new and personal initiative — for example, educational resource, public software, a start-up idea, etc.

There are three categories:

  • First-year Bachelor's level
  • Bachelor's level
  • Master's level

The deadline for submitting the project is 25 May 2023. To participate, you must upload to Student Projects Website your:

  • Poster (PDF in vertical portrait mode, A0 size)
  • Public web address where one can access the project results

In every category, the prize fund is 2400 euros. 1000 € for I, 800 € for II, and 600 € for III places in every category.

The final event, where participants present their project posters to the committee and the rest of the audience, will take place on 1 June 2023 at the University of Tartu Delta Centre. On the same day, the committee will make its decisions, and the winners will be announced.

Event Schedule

14.00 Opening of the final event of the Student Project Contest
14.10 Poster session and presentation of the projects
15.30 The committee will meet to make the decisions
16.30 Announcement of winners

More info about the contest
The statute of the contest

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