Three-pronged strategy for formenting autonomous driving in Estonia

Successful collaboration between the Institute and Bolt

Project duration: 2019 - 2026

The collaboration aims to forment autonomous-driving competence and research in Estonia with a three-pronged strategy, the three components being education, technology, and research. The collaboration between Bolt and Autonomous Driving Lab (ADL) started in 2019, first as a two-year project, and currently continues as another five-year project.

ADL as the academic partner in the collaboration

  • conducts the evaluation of, and builds, autonomous-driving technologies, most recent being the lab’s own Autoware Mini autonomy stack,
  • conducts leading and cutting edge research in different areas of autonomous driving such as, mapping and localisation, motion prediction and planning, perception, safety and security, HRI and teleoperation, testing and validation, to name a few, and
  • provides a conducive environment for students in order to build competence in autonomous driving through courses, projects and theses etc.

Bolt has been continuously and tightly involved in the collaboration proving feedback and insights, from an industry point of view. Bolt has also been one of the main funders for the lab.

ADL has been investigating challenges in many different areas in autonomous driving, and so far, about two dozen works have been published by the lab. In terms of competence building, 40 students have successfully completed their theses (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels) at the lab.

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