Open Educational Resources of Blockchain Training Programme Ready in 2019

UT Institute of Computer Science is a partner institution in EU co-financed Erasmus+ project BLISS, which involves the development of new Vocational and Education programmes for ICT professionals. The first set of the Open Educational Resources of the project are expected to be delivered early 2019.

The aim of the project is to further strengthen ICT professionals’ key competences and update their digital skills related to advancements and applications of blockchain technology. At the same time, the BLISS project aims to facilitate the validation of earning outcomes that will be developed at European level.

The BLISS project started on September 2017 and will conclude in March 2020, and is implemented by the following EU organisations:

  • University Lyon 1 Claude Bernard (France) – Project coordinator
  • Business Training SA (Belgium)
  • AICA - Italian Association for Informatics and Automatic Calculation (Italy)
  • EXELIA (Greece)
  • University of Tartu
  • TELESIG LTD (Bulgaria)

The University of Tartu is leading the activities to develop the curriculum outline and the integration guidelines for the vocational education and training (VET).

The first set of the Open Educational Resources of the project are expected to be delivered early 2019. As a next step, the consortium will deliver the infrastructure for the Vocational Open Online Course, which will be freely accessible online to all interested parties. Please find here a presentation summarising the project’s details, progress and recent events.

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Further info:
Raimundas Matulevičius
raimundas.matulevicius [ät]