
Better Medicine'i meeskond

University of Tartu to acquire a stake in Better Medicine OÜ, a company that uses AI to diagnose cancer

Teaduste akadeemia mapp

Estonian Academy of Sciences elected Birute Klaas-Lang and Meelis Kull as academy research professors

#entrepreneurship #institute #cooperation
Clevon ja Isejuhtivate Sõidukite Labor lõid koostöös käed

The University of Tartu's self-driving test vehicle now has remote control capabilities with the cooperation between Clevon and the University of Tartu

#institute #university

Kuldar Taveter appointed Professor of Information Systems at the University of Tartu

#entrepreneurship #research
A man in the meat industry

University of Tartu to help Nõo Meat Factory use artificial intelligence in production

#institute #research #for society
Meelis Kull

Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence to start work in Estonia

Man in aatrium

Marlon Dumas: how to integrate artificial intelligence into your company?

Piret Luige portree

Professor Piret Luik discusses how to increase the percentage of women among computer science students

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The updated virtual tour of the University of Tartu at enables everyone interested to get to know the university’s learning and research environment already before arriving there. In addition, the tour gives an overview of bicycle parking and accessibility at the university buildings.
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From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.
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On 3 June, the Final Event of the Institute of Computer Science Student Project Contest took place in the Delta Study Building. The authors of 26 projects presented their work at the poster session, and a jury of representatives from the Institute's Chairs selected the winners.
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The podcast “Tiksu to UniTartu” shares insights and tips to help future international students thrive at the University of Tartu. New episodes are release every Tuesday.
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Speakers from each field are invited to give engaging presentations in Estonian or English, outlining the importance and results of their research.
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On 29 May, the Estonian Human Rights Centre presented the "Respecting differences" label to the University of Tartu for the second time at the joint building of ministries in Tallinn.
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CHAISE is a sector skills alliance financed by the ERASMUS + Programme.
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He will give a lecture entitled "World Order After 2022" at 10:15–11:00 in the university assembly hall.
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The three-week night library begins this spring on May 20th. Organized together with the UT Student Council, the night library has been offering students the opportunity to...
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The Young Scientist Award was given to Associate Professor in Genetics Hedvig Tamman and the Young IT Scientist Award to Head of Applied Natural Language Processing Liisa Rätsep.
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On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
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University of Tartu invites applications for doctoral studies from future researchers and top professionals.
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The strategic plan A2025 period is coming to an end and the university has set up a committee to prepare a new strategic plan.
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Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
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Our guest Pavlo Pyvovar, who found his way to the University of Tartu because of the Industrial Master’s Programme in IT.
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On 18 May, thousands of University of Tartu alumni met in the student city again after five years. The alumni get-together “Back to the university” included lectures and tours of institutes across the city, a sing-along and welcoming speeches in front of the main building, a procession and a grand party in the sports hall.
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On Wednesday, 10 April, at 19:00, the second University of Tartu Spring Run will take place.
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The Industrial Master's Program in IT welcomes first-year master's students in IT to apply for the program, which combines studies with practical work experience in a partnering company.
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The University of Tartu invites international students interested in English-taught curricula to submit their applications in DreamApply. Studies will start at the beginning of September 2024.
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The concert is free for all schoolchildren and students and features music by Mozart, Vivaldi, Saariaho, Bochherini and Vasks.
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