Collaboration between computer scientists at the University of Tartu in the development of an app for cancer diagnosis will be boosted through the university's investment company UniTartu Ventures.
Birute Klaas-Lang was elected as the academy research professor in Estonian language and its teaching and Meelis Kull as the academy research professor in artificial intelligence.
The senate of the University of Tartu decided to promote Kuldar Taveter, Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Institute of Computer Science, to the position of Professor.
As the first company in the Estonian food industry, Nõo Meat Factory, together with the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, will start testing novel artificial intelligence and robotics solutions.
The Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, led by the University of Tartu’s Institute of Computer Science, will address scientific issues of importance to Estonia. The government will support the centre of excellence with 7 million euros over seven years.
On 23 November Piret Luik, Professor of Didactics of Informatics of the University of Tartu, will give the inaugural lecture “How to attract more girls to IT?” in the university’s assembly hall.
A legendary lecturer, valued colleague and dedicated researcher, Professor Emeritus Rein Prank (22.03.1949-09.09.2024), a mathematician and computer scientist, has passed away.
As part of Tartu Mobility Week, all students, university staff and cycling enthusiasts are invited to join a bike ride on 16 September at 18:00 to get to know the most convenient cycling route between the Maarjamõisa study buildings, Vanemuise 46, and the Delta study building.
Tartu Ülikool ja Cybernetica AS sõlmisid lepingu teadmussiirdedoktorantide koolitamiseks, et leida teadupõhiseid lahendusi infotehnoloogia arendusküsimustele.
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi eestvedamisel hakatakse treenima vabavaralisi keelemudeleid kõnelema senisest ladusamat eesti keelt ja mõistma paremini eesti kultuuri, et hoida ja kaitsta tehisintellekti kiire arengu tingimustes eesti keelt ning luua eestlaste jaoks hõlpsasti kasutatavaid rakendusi.
SK ID Solutions presented a challenge to the students at the Digital Product Management Programme Sandbox project course at the Institute of Computer Science.
Starting from 16 August, all staff and students of the university will be able to test the virtual assistant on the University of Tartu IT wiki page, which will provide support in solving IT problems based on existing guides. The trial period will last a couple of months, during which the Information Technology Office will be able to assess the quality of the virtual assistant service.
The opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place on Monday, 2 September at 10:00 in front of the university's main building.
The updated virtual tour of the University of Tartu at enables everyone interested to get to know the university’s learning and research environment already before arriving there. In addition, the tour gives an overview of bicycle parking and accessibility at the university buildings.
The University of Tartu is hosting a series of events titled “A global and interdisciplinary perspective on using AI tools in university teaching and learning” from 15–18 October 2024.
From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.
On 3 June, the Final Event of the Institute of Computer Science Student Project Contest took place in the Delta Study Building. The authors of 26 projects presented their work at the poster session, and a jury of representatives from the Institute's Chairs selected the winners.
The podcast “Tiksu to UniTartu” shares insights and tips to help future international students thrive at the University of Tartu. New episodes are release every Tuesday.
On 29 May, the Estonian Human Rights Centre presented the "Respecting differences" label to the University of Tartu for the second time at the joint building of ministries in Tallinn.