Academia Gustaviana 390

At 14:15, lectures are held at the UT Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies (Lossi 36, room 305):

  • “Gustavus Adolphus, Johan Skytte, and the pivotal role of the University of Tartu during the 20th century“, Li Bennich-Björkman, Johan Skytte Professor of Eloquence and Government of Uppsala University
  • “Key findings of the first Swedish-Estonian cooperation report“, Professor Raul Eamets, Dean of the UT Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Questions, discussion. Moderator: Ambassador of Sweden Ingrid Tersman

At 16:45, flowers are placed at the Johan Skytte monument and the monument of Gustavus Adolphus.

At 18:00, the concert “The Song of the Troubadours“ starts at the White Hall of the University of Tartu Museum. Performers: Anto Õnnis (vocals), Tõnu Jõesaar (viola da gamba) and Robert Staak (lute). Free admission.

Everybody is welcome!

Academia Gustaviana 390
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