Museum Night at the Computer Museum

Marianne Liiv

On the evening of 20 May, museums will open their doors later than usual to celebrate European Museum Night. The University of Tartu's Computer Museum in the Delta Study Building (Narva mnt 18) will also be open to visitors that evening.

The Computer Museum is open from 18-24. Entrance is free of charge. Visitors can also explore the Delta Study Building, where half-hour guided tours start at 18.15, 19.15 and 20.15. Open to all. You are welcome!

The University of Tartu Computer Museum was opened in 2009 and now has many exciting exhibits gathered in one room. The aim of the museum is to present the history of computing in Estonia, from the first electronic computer in 1959, the Urals, to the digital e-commerce we are used to today. The museum contains a number of rarities, such as the Ural electronic computer nameplate and selected Ural components. There is also a console from a Soviet-era mainframe computer, the Estonian-made personal computer Juku and other computers in use in Estonia at the time. The museum's collection includes several older Apple devices, as well as a supercomputer that was once one of the 500 most powerful computers in the world. We are looking for donations of computer equipment from individuals and institutions to add to the museum's collection. We are currently putting together an exhibition on the development of mobile phones, and anyone can bring their old mobile phone in good condition to the museum.

Museum Night 2023 is titled „Movement in the Night“. Here you can find the programmes of all the museums on Museum Night.

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