CHAISE presents blockchain educational material and training platform

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Renee Altrov

CHAISE is a sector skills alliance financed by the ERASMUS + Programme. The core mission is to develop a strategic approach to blockchain skills development for Europe and deliver future professional training solutions to tackle blockchain skill shortages and respond to the European blockchain workforce's current and future skills needs. Blockchain is at the core of the EU's strategy to advance digital transformation.

A talent shortage, global competitive pressure, and the limited connection between education and the market challenge the European blockchain sector. CHAISE aims to set forward an open, inclusive blockchain skills governance system to address skills mismatches and deliver appropriate training, intelligence gathering, and mobility solutions tailored to sectorial needs.

CHAISE brings together leading multinational companies, institutional players, EU umbrella organisations, social partners, thematically focused E&T providers, public authorities and regulators in education and training to deliver the project objectives.

One of the CHAISE results is the training curriculum, which features 12 modules (including 48 thematic lectures, exercises, cases and tests), three specialisation pathways (i.e., blockchain architect, blockchain developer, and blockchain manager), self-paced training paths, and certification via theoretical and practical badges.

The roles of BC architect, BC manager, and BC developer cover many of the required Blockchain qualifications. Due to the different specialisations, it is necessary to offer different modules to train the professionals. All three specialisations target transversal, technical, and business skills. Technical in-depth modules are mainly of interest to Blockchain Developers and Blockchain Architects. In-depth business courses should, meanwhile, be attended by the BC Manager.

All three roles should regularly work together in interdisciplinary industry-specific projects to explain the different application areas of Blockchain technology.

The overview of the CHAISE modules:

Module 1, “Introduction to Blockchain Technology”, explains the main components of blockchain technology, recognises its application sectors and discusses the main historical facts of blockchain technology development.
Module 2, “Regulation, Legal Aspects, and Governance of Blockchain Systems”, explains blockchain-related regulations, legal aspects, governance, and their impact on public and private sectors.
Module 3, “Fundamentals of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology”, uses blockchain terminology, discusses differences between centralised databases and distributed ledger, and explains blockchain characteristics, components and main security principles.
Module 4, “Blockchain Business Management and Planning”, describes the blockchain suitability for business process innovation and discusses the fundamentals of blockchain use cases and use case implementation.
Module 5, “Blockchain Security and Digital Identity”, describes how blockchains may secure data and information by utilising the transaction protection and validation principles of blockchains, access control and digital identity principles.
Module 6, “Blockchain System Architecture and Consensus Protocols”, constructs the architecture of blockchain-based applications, applies design patterns, and compares different consensus protocols.
Module 7, “Blockchain Platforms”, explains essential components and types of blockchain platforms and demonstrates the node creation, account management and transaction principles.
Module 8, “Marketing and Customer Support”, demonstrates the principles of marketing customer support for blockchain technology.
Module 9, “Applied Cryptography”, applies primary digital signature schemas, cryptographic protocols, and tools to protect blockchain-based applications.
Module 10, “Smart Contract Development”, employs programming language(s) to develop smart contracts and digital currency.
Module 11, “Development Use Cases: from Ideas to Service”, Design heuristics for reaching customer needs, managing products and creating services using blockchain-based applications.
Module 12, “Game Theory in Blockchains”, demonstrates how reason in blockchain-based business and investment decisions using the game theory model.

More information about the CHAISE project.

More about the learning outcomes of the CHAISE modules.

The CHAISE curriculum and training platform.

The creation of these resources has been funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union under grant no. 621646-EPP-1-2020-1-FR-EPPKA2-SSA-B.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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