Undercliff Creative

UniTartuCS Day 2024

Students at the UT Institute of Computer Science! If you are looking for a thesis topic or want to get acquainted with the institute’s research groups, we invite you to the UniTartuCS Day on 26 September! 

At this event, you will have an excellent opportunity to meet researchers and lecturers at the institute, who will introduce their research groups and offer thesis topics to students. It is beneficial for students to establish closer ties with a research group already during their studies. The UniTartuCS day is perfect for finding collaboration opportunities.

At the event, we will also announce the recipients of three scholarships. There will also be a counter where you can buy the Institute memorabilia. 

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14:00 – 14:05 Introduction in front of room 2049 on the second floor.
14:05 – 14:15 The announcement scholarships.
14:15 – 16:30 The expo is open.


Participating research groups and chairs

As of 4 Sept.

  • Applied Cyber Security Group
  • Biomedical Computer Vision Lab
  • Coding and Information Transmission Group
  • Computational Music Analysis and Recommendation Research Group
  • Computational Social Science Group
  • Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Study Lab
  • Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group
  • Edge Intelligence and Data Analytics Research Group
  • Health Informatics Research Group
  • Information Security Research Group
  • Machine Learning Research Group
  • Mobile & Cloud Computing Laboratory
  • Molecular genetics research group
  • Scaling and Intelligence Lab (SaiL)
  • Software Engineering Analytics Research Group