Jaak Tomberg Associate Professor of Estonian Literature PhD (Comparative Literature) Ülikooli 17-322 jaak.tomberg@ut.ee
Mart Velsker Associate Professor of Estonian Literature PhD (Estonian Literature) +372 737 5219 mart.velsker@ut.ee
Leena Käosaar Associate Professor of Cultural Theory PhD (Comparative Literature) leena.kaosaar@ut.ee
Sirel Heinloo Junior Research Fellow in Estonian Literature 0.5 p MA (Estonian Literature) sirel.heinloo@ut.ee
Piret Põldver Junior Research Fellow in Estonian Literature MA (Estonian Literature) piret.poldver@ut.ee
Pilleriin Puhlov Junior Research Fellow in Estonian Literature MA (Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature) pilleriin.puhlov@ut.ee
Sven-Hannes Vabar Personal Assistant MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies) Ülikooli 17-322 sven-hannes.vabar@ut.ee
Liina Lukas Head of Chair, Professor of Comparative Literature PhD (Comparative Literature) +372 737 6533 liina.lukas@ut.ee
Tiina-Erika Friedenthal Research Fellow in Baltic German Literature PhD (Theology) Ülikooli 17-323 tiina-erika.friedenthal@ut.ee
Kairit Kaur Research Fellow in Comparative Literature 0.5 p PhD (Comparative Literature) kairit.kaur@ut.ee
Saara Lotta Linno Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature 0.5 p MA (Comparative Literature) saara.lotta.linno@ut.ee
Tetyana Kasima Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature MA (Comparative Literature) tetyana.kasima@ut.ee
Tanar Kirs Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature 0.5 p MA (Estonian Literature) tanar.kirs@ut.ee
Hedi-Liis Toome Associate Professor of Theatre Research PhD (Theatric Science) Ülikooli 17-323 hedi-liis.toome@ut.ee
Riina Oruaas Junior Lecturer in Theatre Research MA (Theatric Science) Ülikooli 17-323 riina.oruaas@ut.ee
Jaak Tomberg Programme Director "Literature and Cultural Research", Programme Director "Literature and Theatre Research" PhD (Comparative Literature) jaak.tomberg@ut.ee
Marina Grišakova Head of Chair, Professor of Literary Theory PhD (Comparative Literature) +372 737 6533 Ülikooli 17-221 marina.grisakova@ut.ee
Francesca Arnavas Research Fellow in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory PhD francesca.arnavas@ut.ee
Siim Sorokin Research Fellow in Cultural Studies and Digital Narratology 0.5 p PhD (Folklore) siim.sorokin@ut.ee
Paula Taberland Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature MA (Comparative Literature) paula.taberland@ut.ee
Marianne Lind Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature MA (Literary Science) marianne.lind@ut.ee