Call for thesis subjects

Henry Narits

With the coming of autumn, students in their final year of studies have to put their university experience into full effect as they have an important decision to make: what will their thesis be about? Hence, this is the right moment to call friends of the Institute of Computer Science—both old and new—to put forth topics for bachelor’s and master’s theses!

We boast several study programs and many more opportunities for specialization, therefore, our students’ profiles are very diverse. Our soon-to-be-specialists have the know-how and skills to solve both theoretical and practical problems on topics such as:

  • software engineering (incl. requirements’ analysis, modeling, developing, testing & QA);
  • algorithms and programming;
  • distributed systems;
  • machine learning and artificial intelligence;
  • data science and databases;
  • business analysis and IT management.

Whatever the specific topic, the thesis should contribute to solving an actual problem—there is no better guarantee for motivation! In addition to that, the collaboration between the student and the supervisor(s) is of critical importance: if our partners decide on taking one of our students under their wing, then they must find the time necessary to supervise them! Bear in mind that the supervisor must possess at least the same degree that the student tries to earn with their thesis. If the supervisor and student feel unsure whether their plan for the thesis meets academic standards, then the student ought to find an academic (co)supervisor from the institute.

If the thesis topic proposed by the partner involves working with trade secrets or any other confidential information, then appropriate measures will obviously be taken. We can sign confidentiality agreements with all parties involved and have the defense of the thesis take place behind closed doors. If the partner feels that the thesis entails it, the student might be offered an additional motivational package in the form of a scholarship.

We call all partners from the public sector, private sector and from the civil society to submit thesis topics! The topics can be submitted—and already accepted topics to be seen—at the theses topics registry.

The deadline for submitting topics is 09.10, although sooner is better! The students have to make their decisions by November 1 the latest, which means that there will be up to three weeks to discuss potential collaboration. If our partners have any additional questions, we encourage them to reach out to our industry collaboration team at

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