Alumni Day for maths, stats, and CS graduates of University of Tartu -18.03.2023


On 18.03.2023 there will be a meeting of alumni of Tartu University all mathematics, statistics and computer sciences disciplines. 

Date is chosen and will be in future on the Saturday on or after Pi Day (March 14th == 3.14).

Lists of alumni: 

Venue: Delta Building (Narva mnt 18). 

Delta is open 10am - 20pm, packed with possible activities, seminars, lunch, plenary, reception and maybe even dancing (if anyone dares). 

Please fill this registration and information collector even if you do not plan to attend: <deleted>


There may be small changes, based on feedback from registration form. 

10:00 - Doors open, you can bring your photos, stuff for exhibition. 

11:00-14:00 and 16:00-18:00 side events, open doors, activities

  • If you want to contribute here, please contact organisers!
  • Computer Museum
  • Exhibition (rooms 1025, 1026)
  • Gathering of memoirs (rooms 1022, 1024) - open videologging 
  • Photo walls, photographer
  • CGVR and ADL labs are open, demos. (II floor, CGVR lab)
  • ChatGPT, etc demos

12:00 - Plenary of international alumni (in English) (room 1021)

12:00 - MITS association and alumni meeting

13:00 - Lunch, gathering

14:00 - Plenary Session (in Estonian). (1037, big auditorium)

16:00 - Delta cafe; tours will continue, activities

18:00 - Activities and dancing continue

20:00 - End of party

20:00 - Afterparty for organisers


Victor Pinheiro - UniTartuCS - coordination in English
Jaak Vilo
- main organiser, co-organiser for event in English
Stefan Kuhn
Rajesh Sharma

General organisation: 
Jaak Vilo - main organiser
Krista Fischer 
Meelis Käärik 
Karl Lainestu 
Mihkel Jesse 
Geitrud Pank
Rasmus Veski 
Liivi Luik
Heljo Kaima

Additional information: 

- Newsletter of UniTartuCS 
- How to support current students and/or alumni activities financially?