Tartu Ülikool

Laureate of the Young IT Scientist Award is Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence Dmytro Fishman (podcast episode added)

On 23 May in Kadriorg, Tallinn, President Alar Karis presented the Young Scientist Awards of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic. The Young IT Scientist Award was given to Dmytro Fishman, Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Computer Science.

Dmytro Fishman focuses on training artificial intelligence models to analyse biomedical imaging data. Fishman's start-up Better Medicine OÜ is developing intelligent tools to help doctors.

“Although this is an individual award, and I am truly delighted and proud, I would like to remark that science is not a single-player game; it is a team sport,” said  Dmytro Fishman. “I would like to immensely thank Hedi Peterson, Jaak Vilo, and Pärt Peterson, great scientists, role models, and mentors. I am truly grateful to my research group Biomedical Computer Vision Lab and the Better Medicine team,” he added. 

Dmytro Fishman emphasized the role of the Institute of Computer Science in this award. “I came to Tartu to study when I was 20 years old, and now I am 32 - I have grown up here as a person, and this institute has raised me as a scientist,” he concluded.

  • Listen here to the podcast episode of the Institute of Computer Science with Dmytro Fishman.
  • See the video of the laureate giving an overview of his research.

Photo: Sander Ilvest


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