ADL demo day - sTARTUp Day 2022

Startup Day 2022 ADL demo day
Henry Narits

On the 24th of August, as a part of sTARTUp Day 2022, the Autonomous Driving Lab (ADL) will hold a demo day.

The synergy between on-demand transportation and autonomous driving opens up exciting and achievable opportunities. The Autonomous Driving Lab of UniTartuCS — together with its partners — has been exploring what this could mean for mobility in sparsely populated rural areas.

Tambet Matiisen, Tech Lead of the ADL, will hold a brief talk about why deploying driverless cars in on-demand transportation makes sense and what were the outcomes of the first such pilot project that recently took place in and around Tartu. This is followed by a Q&A.

After the discussion, we’ll hold a draw to find out which five participants — together with a friend or two — get a ride in our self-driving car. Whether or not you won a ride, you’re definitely welcome to stay, enjoy the snacks and network!

Also follow the event on Facebook.

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