Apply to the IMP

You're thinking of applying to the Industrial Master's in IT? That's good to hear! Consider the following:

  • 1st year master's students enrolled on the Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science (Andmeteadus) and Conversion Master in IT (IT mitteinformaatikutele) programs may apply;
  • to participate in the program, you must be on course to finish your studies in the nominal study duration;
  • you can apply to up to two program positions simultaneously;
  • some of the program positions require Estonian, some English, and some both;
  • should you application be successful, and you actually commence with the program, you must waive any other scholarships.

Read more about the program here. You can watch the recording of the 21.03.23 info seminar here.

Timeline of applying

Stage What's happening? Period
I round of admission

You can apply to two partner companies. You must submit a CV, answers to the questions formulated by the partner and a solution to the trial assignment, if the position entails one.

II round of admission

The partners will invite you to have conversations and do interviews to determine whether you'd be a good fit.

Signing contracts

If the fit between you and the partner is good, we can sign a three-way contract. This means you're officially part of the program!

Start of program

The exact time of beginning is agreed so that it suits both you and the partner. Undoubtedly, you will find time to take a vacation during summer.


Program positions '23


When precisely does the program begin?

The program begins in the summer, once the second semester is over. The specific time of beginning is decided such that preferences of both the student and the partner are considered.

How to allocate time between the internship, the rest of the studies and other life?

You can expect to commit ~24 hours a week, on average, on the internship. The precise working arrangement is agreed upon once the collaboration is underway, according to the expectations and needs of both yourself and the partnering company.

What does the scholarship depend on?

The scholarship increases in time: €750 for the first four months, €900 for the second four months and €1050 for the last four months. The IMP scholarship may not be received simultaneously with other scholarships; it's a prerequisite for you to waive other scholarships when signing the agreement. The only exceptions are need-based study allowances, travel stipends, and the Ülo Kaasiku scholarship.

Who will be supervising me?

You will have at least one supervisor from the company, who will be responsible for your on-boarding, and with whom you will be formulating your assignments, objectives and discussing feedback.

You will also be supported by an academic supervisor from the institute, whose main purpose is to help you and your supervisor from the company frame your master's thesis in such a way that it would create value for the partner company, and conform to the academic requirements of master's theses. You yourself are responsible for finding the academic supervisor (the program manager will help you, though), and this is something you must start working on once the autumn semester begins. Some internship positions – mainly those of companies in the manufacturing industry – have an academic supervisor pre-assigned and they will help you adapt from the get-go.

What is the voluntary self-development seminar about?

Students participating in the program may register to the self-development seminar which supports their personal and professional development throughout the program. The seminar is oriented towards practical applicability and among other things, topics such as self-management and -analysis, time management and focusing, creativity and managing stress are explored.

Kas magistritöö uurimisteema valikul arvestatakse ka minu soovidega?

Yes, certainly. The exact topic for the thesis will be determined by yourself in collaboration with your supervisors. You can get a hunch on the potential topics beforehand by reading the descriptions of program positions.

Do I have to sign any contracts?

Yes, if you reach an agreement with a partner company, then you must sign a three-way contract with the company and the institute, before you can commence.

What does the contract entail?

The contract determines the rights and obligations of both yourself and the partner company, and the obligations of the university. Among other things, the duration and extent of the program, the routine of paying scholarships, matters related to the intellectual property and conditions of forfeit are settled on.

How are rights to intellectual property regulated?

It is assumed that you waive any economic rights that you have on your thesis and other copyrights that arise during your internship. Those will be granted to the partner company.

May I do additional work outside the program when participating?

The program assumes quite serious commitment, so don't take it as a given that you can do a great many things besides studying. Certainly no one can or will forbid you from doing paid work in another field. You may not, however, work for anybody that competes with the partner company.

May I go abroad as part of a student exchange (Erasmus) when participating?

Again, the program assumes commitment. If you want to join Erasmus, then the program is not suitable for you. You are expected to cooperate closely with the partner company throughout the program. 

What if I don't meet the expectations of the partner company? Or if the company and program don't meet my expectations?

You don't have to worry about not knowing everything all at once. You are expected to be responsible and be ready to contribute to self-development. Most partner companies think long-term, and hope that you will become their employee once the program is over.

To alleviate risks, a brief trial period is in place, which ends in August. We will then reach a three-way agreement whether we wish to continue with the collaboration. If not, you can continue your studies as a "regular" student. Should anything happen after the trial period, we will do our utmost to find a constructive solution. If nothing helps, we will terminate the contract and part our ways as friends.

Which curriculum will I graduate from?

You will still graduate from the same curriculum you were part of before joining the program.

Does participation in the program cover the obligatory practice module of my curriculum?

Yes, participation will cover the 18 ECTS worth of obligatory practice (students of Software Engineering can pass their practice courses in TalTech).

Does participation entail any other changes to the curriculum?

You may take the voluntary self-development seminar (3 ECTS) as an elective course. Taking other elective and optional courses must be discussed with partner companies – perhaps they find that taking a specific course would do you good during the program. We also encourage integrating your internship with the courses you take in the university, when possible: you could align a substantive course assignment with the work you do during the internship, for example.