Data Science Seminar "Secondary use of health data in Estonia"
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut
On 19 March, we hosted a Data Science Seminar titled "Secondary use of health data in Estonia". The academic organiser of the event was Head of Chair of Data Science Jaak Vilo.
Modern medicine requires using all possible data to create insights and evidence about diseases and treatments. Secondary use of real world data (RWD) for evidence generation is needed and gaining traction. Our seminar will cover the aspects of secondary use of health data, the strategic plans in Estonia and Europe, research use cases for academic and private sector alike.
- Speakers:
- Jaanika Merilo, Ministry of Social Affairs Head of eHealth Strategy
- Liisa Loog, Metrosert, Head of Health Data
- Raivo Kolde, UT Assoc. Prof. of Health Informatics
- Peter Rijnbeek, Prof., Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics of the Erasmus MC, The Netherlands
- Lenne-Triin Kõrgvee, MD, PhD, Cancer Centre, director, Tartu University Hospital
- Panel discussion (Jaanika Merilo, Liisa Loog, Raivo Kolde, Lenne-Triin Kõrgvee, Sulev Reisberg)
The event was supported by the Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (EXAI), financed by the Ministry of Education and Research.
Gallery of the seminar
Recording of the seminar
Previous Data Science Seminars