Data Science Seminar "Triple-Helix Collaboration on Data"

Tehisintellekt kujutamas kolmikheeliksi koostööd
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut

The Data Science Seminar "Triple-Helix Collaboration on Data" was an official side-event of sTARTUp Day 2025 and focused on the synergy between academia, industry, and government known as the "triple-helix" model.


  • Ott Velsberg, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Service at the Ministry of Justice and Digital Affairs, "Government perspective on collaboration with academia and industry: Achieving the goals of the data and AI strategy"
  • Märt Ridala, CEO of Solita, ”Why companies sometimes spend time and money on co-operation with the universities and the state”

  • Kaido Paabusk, Statistics Estonia, Deputy Director General, "The role of Statistics Estonia in triple-helix: experience so far and unused potential"

  • Priit Kongo, CEO of NetGroup, "AI for Mental Health: A Collaborative Model between Net Group, Heba Clinic and University of Tartu"

  • Jaak Vilo, Head of the Chair of Data Science at the University of Tartu, "Collaboration models and opportunities"

  • Elena Sügis and Ardi Tampuu introduced the new data science textbook "Praktiline andmeteadus"

Seminar recording

Seminar photo gallery

The Data Science Seminar is supported by the by the Ministry of Education and Research Centres of Excellence grant TK213 (Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (EXAI)).

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