University of Tartu Pro Game Jam 2025

Tudengid arvutiklassis
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut

On 24-26 January, the University of Tartu Pro Game Jam will take place in the Delta Study Building and online. All game enthusiasts are welcome! This is your chance to make a game in 48 hours. More information on Facebook.

Register here

Choose your league and unleash your creativity!

  • Junior League – Join the Global Game Jam and create a game alongside thousands of participants worldwide!
  • Pro League – Dive into Estonian mythology and folklore! You have to use themes and resources like Esivanemate ohverdamised and Eesti mütoloogia to craft your masterpiece.

Gather your friends and start brainstorming ideas for your game jam masterpiece!

The event is organised by the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Study Lab of the Institute of Computer Science.

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