Topic: institute

Student Project Contest 2025
The Institute of Computer Science is organizing the Student Project Contest, welcoming both practical and theoretical IT projects to participate. On 29 May 2025, the Final Event of the Student Project Contest will take place in the Delta Study Building, where participants present their projects to a committee and the rest of the audience at the poster session.
Women in Science: Marharyta Domnich, Junior Research Fellow of Computational Neuroscience
From 10-16 February 2025, the University of Tartu will host a themed week to celebrate the "Women in Science" day. During this week, we aim to highlight the work and achievements of our researchers and have invited them to answer three questions. This time, Marharyta Domnich, Junior Research Fellow of Computational Neuroscience shares her thoughts.
Women in Science: Alejandra Duque-Torres, Junior Research Fellow in Software Engineering
From 10-16 February 2025, the University of Tartu will host a themed week to celebrate the "Women in Science" day. During this week, we aim to highlight the work and achievements of our researchers and have invited them to answer three questions. This time, Alejandra Duque-Torres, Junior Research Fellow in Software Engineering shares her thoughts.
Women in Science: Dzvinka Yarish, Junior Research Fellow of Bioinformatics
From 10-16 February 2025, the University of Tartu will host a themed week to celebrate the "Women in Science" day. During this week, we aim to highlight the work and achievements of our researchers and have invited them to answer three questions. This time, Dzvinka Yarish, Junior Research Fellow of Bioinformatics shares her thoughts.
Women in Science: Maiara Bollauf, Lecturer in Coding Theory and Cryptography
From 10-16 February 2025, the University of Tartu will host a themed week to celebrate the "Women in Science" day. During this week, we aim to highlight the work and achievements of our researchers and have invited them to answer three questions. This time, Maiara Bollauf, Lecturer in Coding Theory and Cryptography shares her thoughts.
Women in Science: Shahla Novruzova, Quantum Software Developer
This time, Shahla Novruzova, Quantum Software Developer shares her thoughts.
Women in Science: Anastasija Nikiforova, Lecturer of Information Systems
From 10-16 February 2025, the University of Tartu will host a themed week to celebrate the "Women in Science" day. During this week, we aim to highlight the work and achievements of our researchers and have invited them to answer three questions. This time, Anastasija Nikiforova, Lecturer of Information Systems shares her thoughts.
University of Tartu Pro Game Jam 2025
On 24-26 January, the University of Tartu Pro Game Jam will take place in the Delta Study Building and online. All game enthusiasts are welcome! This is your chance to make a game in 48 hours.
30. December 2024 for studentinstitutestudents
Meelis Kull was elected Professor of Artificial Intelligence
At the meeting on 22 November, the University of Tartu senate elected Meelis Kull, Associate Professor in Machine Learning at the Institute of Computer Science, as Professor of Artificial Intelligence.
10. December 2024 instituteresearch
Researchers teach Estonian language and culture to language models
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi eestvedamisel hakatakse treenima vabavaralisi keelemudeleid kõnelema senisest ladusamat eesti keelt ja mõistma paremini eesti kultuuri, et hoida ja kaitsta tehisintellekti kiire arengu tingimustes eesti keelt ning luua eestlaste jaoks hõlpsasti kasutatavaid rakendusi.