Topic: research

Come and listen! Doctoral students give inspiring short lectures to present the latest research
The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
25. September 2024 for studentresearchfor society
Doctoral defence: Hassan Abdulgaleel Hassan Salim Eldeeb "Empowering Machine Learning Pipelines with Automated Feature Engineering“
On 8 October at 10:15, Hassan Abdulgaleel Hassan Salim Eldeeb will defend his thesis "Empowering Machine Learning Pipelines with Automated Feature Engineering“
21. September 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Shivananda Rangappa Poojara "Design and Orchestration of Scalable, Event-Driven Serverless Data Pipelines for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications“
On 7 October at 10:15, Shivananda Rangappa Poojara will defend his thesis "Design and Orchestration of Scalable, Event-Driven Serverless Data Pipelines for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications“
21. September 2024 research
WATCH RECORDING! Building bridges between science and society. Why and how to do cross-disciplinary research?
On 20 November, the University of Tartu Library hosted a conference focusing on the particulars of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation.
University of Tartu and Cybernetica to jointly train industrial doctoral students starting this autumn
Tartu Ülikool ja Cybernetica AS sõlmisid lepingu teadmussiirdedoktorantide koolitamiseks, et leida teadupõhiseid lahendusi infotehnoloogia arendusküsimustele.
11. September 2024 cooperationresearchfor society
Researchers teach Estonian language and culture to language models
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi eestvedamisel hakatakse treenima vabavaralisi keelemudeleid kõnelema senisest ladusamat eesti keelt ja mõistma paremini eesti kultuuri, et hoida ja kaitsta tehisintellekti kiire arengu tingimustes eesti keelt ning luua eestlaste jaoks hõlpsasti kasutatavaid rakendusi.
Data Science Seminar "AI in action: success stories and lessons learned"
How do we decide where and how AI should be applied, and what challenges arise along the way? At this seminar, several AI researchers and industry experts will present their insights and experiences.
Registration for the Three Minute Thesis competition ends on 19 September
The registration for three-minute thesis competition ends on 19 September.
26. August 2024 for studentresearch
Doctoral defence: Marili Rõõm "Multiple approaches to learners’ success and factors affecting it in computer programming MOOCs"
On 19 September Marili Rõõm will defend her thesis "Multiple approaches to learners’ success and factors affecting it in computer programming MOOCs".
16. July 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Pille Pullonen-Raudvere “Foundations of efficient and secure algorithm development for secure multiparty computation“
On 13 August Pille Pullonen-Raudvere will defend her thesis "Foundations of efficient and secure algorithm development for secure multiparty computation".
11. July 2024 research