March marks the end of the BLISS project, which was started by six partners in 2017 to strengthen key competences for the ICT professionals in the field of blockchain technology by developing educational resources and materials, which are now available for free online.
“The main outcome of the project is the training and assessment material, the trainer handbook, a vocational open online course and a blockchain skills certificate,” told Raimundas Matulevičius, Professor of Information Security at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Tartu.
“The project results can be used in the future by the ICT professionals, students, VET providers, field experts, the policymakers and any other interested learners, who wish to understand and explore the key topics about the blockchain platforms and applications,” said Matulevičius.
BLISS has seven partners from Europe and the materials are available in their local languages, including English, French, Italian, Greek, Dutch, Bulgarian and Estonian. The online course is six weeks long and graduates get a Blockchain Skills Certificate Supplement as proof of completing the course.
The course material is structured into four learning units:
During the project, each partner had a certain set of responsibilities. The University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science was responsible for the curriculum outline and the integration guidelines for vocational education and training (VET). Also, for the development of the learning unit on the practical design, development of blockchain applications and preparing the video introductions for each learning unit.
We also organized a workshop on November 9, which had 72 participants from both the industry and the university. It had lectures from Prof. Raimundas Matulevičius, Dr. Fredrik Milani, Dr. Luciano García-Bañuelos and Mubashar Iqbal.
All the materials are available online for free to use using the following links:
In English
In Estonian
Project website
More information about the workshop
Project presentation (in English)
Project presentation (in Estonian)
Further information:
Raimundas Matulevičius, Professor of Information Security, University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science, 737 5421,