Data Science Seminar "Text and What Next? AI Across Diverse Data Types"

Andmeteaduse seminar "Keel ja mis veel? Küsimused tehisintellekti rakendamises"
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut

Join us at the next Data Science Seminar titled "Text and What Next? AI Across Diverse Data Types"!

Language models, such as Le Chat, EuroLLM, Llama, and ChatGPT, have turned the world of artificial intelligence on its head and are increasingly influencing the rest of the world. But they mostly process and generate only text.

This time, our seminar is dedicated to exploring AI applications beyond purely textual data. For example: how successfully can AI automatically recognise and produce sign language? How far have we come in understanding speech? Could visual input, combined with language comprehension help robots navigate and behave in ways that make them genuinely useful?

The seminar takes place 19 March at Delta lecture hall 1037 at 16:15, welcome coffee will be served from 15:45.


  • Amit Moryossef,
  • Tanel Alumäe, Associate Professor of Speech Processing at TalTech
  • Agnes Luhtaru, Junior Research Fellow of Natural Language Processing
  • Joonas Puura, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Bolt

The event is lead by Mark Fišel, Professor of Natural Language Processing at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science.

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