Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technology

The Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technology, funded by the European Regional Development Fund is carried out in partnership with the University of Tartu, TalTech, Tallinn University and Cybernetica AS. It is geared towards improving the quality and efficiency of doctoral studies.

The Doctoral School supports

  • Advancing PhD students’ professional and cross-sectoral research communication skills.
  • Increasing teaching and supervision competencies, and promoting research and doctoral studies by offering various seminars and workshops to both students and supervisors.
  • Extending the mutual links between doctoral studies and the labour market.
  • Strengthening the cooperation within the information and communication technology field, both within the academia and with the industry.
  • Supporting the internationalisation of doctoral studies by offering mobility grants for PhD students to participate in workshops, seminars, and other research-related activities.

Doctoral School events at the University of Tartu

Mobility Grant for Doctoral Students

The aim of the mobility grant is to provide ICT PhD students with the opportunity to participate in high-level professional conferences, summer and winter schools or similar events in foreign countries and to go on short-term research visits necessary for the completion of their doctoral thesis.

Activities must be connected to the students' doctoral studies!

Application requirements

  • Only study and research related visits are supported: (a) attendance from conferences, summer or winter schools or similar; (b) short-term (up to 30 calendar days) research visits.
  • Participation in conferences are preferred, especially if a presentation is presented and a high-level article will be published as a result.
  • The required self-financing is 5% of the total cost of the visit - if possible, this should be funded by the supervisor. If there is no such possibility, one could ask its institute for self-financing support from another source.
  • For one applicant, no more than three visits are supported during the calendar year (no more than one of them may be a research visit).

The presentations, posters and other presented materials must be accompanied by a reference to the support of the Doctoral School.

Following application documents must be submitted

  • formal application;
  • in case a presentation is presented at the event, confirmation or an acceptance letter of the presentation;
  • for a short-term research visit, a letter of recommendation from the supervisor, a plan for the research visit and an invitation/confirmation from the host organisation.

After attending a conference, summer school, winter school or another similar event, a certificate of participation in the event must be provided as well as presentations, posters or other materials (copies of them) that the applicant presented at the event. Please do not forget to add the reference to the support of the Doctoral School!

Eligible expenses

  • travel costs (incl. trips to the airport, hotel, university/conference place etc.);
  • conference/summer school/winter school participation fees;
  • accommodation;
  • travel insurance;
  • daily allowance for the employees of the University of Tartu.

To reimburse your costs, you must submit boarding passes and originals of all cost-related documents (invoices, receipts, tickets, payment orders).

Submission of an application

Completed application form (signed by the applicant and the holder of the financial account for self-financing) and necessary annexes (in case a presentation is presented at the event, confirmation or an acceptance letter of the presentation; for a short-term research visit, letter of recommendation from the supervisor, plan of the research visit, invitation/confirmation of the host organisation) should be delivered to Janeli Mänd at Delta Centre (Narva mnt 18-3124) or sent by e-mail (digitally signed in one digital container) to

Application forms

Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technology is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Financing period: 01.01.2016–31.08.2023.

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