Topic: international

IT Academy Research Summit
To mark the closing of the IT Academy research programme(2018-2023), we are inviting you to the IT Academy Research Summit.
The European Quantum Computer Project OpenSuperQ Is Extended
The project OpenSuperQPlus – part of the European Quantum Technology Flagship – gets underway.
09. March 2023 internationalresearch
Estonia and South Moravia are teaming up to support the European Union's safe transition to a digital society
CHESS aims to bridge the research-innovation gaps by connecting fundamental researchers with economic and societal exploitation. 
22. February 2023 international
Abdul-Rasheed Ottun: explainability of AI is at the centre of my PhD research and SPATIAL agenda
Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is integrated into drones to enable the autonomous operations of drones with little or no human intervention,
22. December 2022 instituteinternationalresearch
New EU project to unlock the potential of genomics for healthcare, research and innovation
European Genomic Data Infrastructure project kicked off, which brings together a consortium of partners from 20 European countries and two infrastructure organisations to realise the 1+MG initiative.
07. December 2022 international
Staff and students from the University of Tartu gained valuable experience from the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference
From the University of Tartu, 17 staff members and six students participated in the annual ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference held in Göttingen on 17 November.
21. November 2022 international
The Institute of Computer Science holds a high place in international rankings
The Institute of Computer Science of the University of Tartu has been ranked among the world's top 200 in the Times Higher Education, a leading British higher education magazine.
CyberPhish developed materials to help us avoid phishing attacks
October indicates the end of the CyberPhish “Safeguarding against Phishing in the age of 4th Industrial Revolution” project.
31. October 2022 international
Institute of Computer Science at sTARTUp Day
ICS involved in four events at sTARTUp Day this week.
The Estonian IT summer school ESSCaSS brings top machine learning and artificial intelligence researchers to Tartu
Today starts the three-day summer school ESSCaSS, which brings together 125 researchers, PhD students and representatives from the industry from Estonia and abroad.
15. August 2022 international