Blockchain technologies: from theoretical research to practical applications

Demand for employees and experts possessing knowledge in the field of blockchain technologies is very high and is continually growing. However, up until now, there have been no interdisciplinary courses prepared that would inform students from different programmes, about the primary skills and knowledge essential to a blockchain technology specialist.

The BlockNet (BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer) project (started in September 2018 and finishes in February 2021) addresses this issue by proposing several interdisciplinary distance learning courses on advanced blockchain technologies, development of blockchain applications, and security principles. This was achieved after the systemic overview of scientific literature, analysis of job offers, and interviews with companies was conducted in an attempt to determine the necessary to possess competencies for a blockchain technology specialist. Based on this analysis, a collection of blockchain technology competencies was made, the validity of which was confirmed by colleagues in scientific institutions and the advisory council of the project.

A methodical study plan measure was developed based on provided competencies, based on which interdisciplinary blockchain technology modules were prepared. BlockNet interdisciplinary blockchain technology courses combine subject knowledge of the project partners: economics, management (Vilnius University, Lithuania), logistics and distribution channel management (TU Dortmund, Germany), computer system engineering (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), and IT system security (University of Tartu, Estonia).

BlockNet interdisciplinary courses include 34 lectures, containing more than 1300 slides, more than 16 val. original audio lecture material, more than 10 val. video material as well as case analyses, and more than 200 test questions. They cover 15 ECTS credits in total. The BlockNet interdisciplinary blockchain technology courses are:

1. Introduction in Blockchain Application (5 ECTS)
1b. Introduction in Blockchain-Enabled Business Processes (1 ECTS)
1c. Introduction in Blockchain And Applications Development (1 ECTS)
2. Blockchain Foundations and Development (2 ECTS)
3. Blockchain For Logistics and Supply Chain Management (2 ECTS)
4. Blockchain For Enterprise IT Security (2 ECTS)
5. Blockchain For Business (2 ECTS)

The advisory council of the BlockNet project consists of the following organizations: IT University of Copenhagen, European Blockchain Center, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (Fraunhofer IML), IPSERA The International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA), Spectro Finance,, The competence center NRW Mittelstand Digital, The research center Logistik und IT, UAB „Vikimedija“, and „Tieto“. Throughout the project duration, the scientists closely cooperated with respective industry/sector representatives.

During the virtual multiplier event and online learning activity, the project participants and 56 students from the partner universities discussed interdisciplinary education in the blockchain technology field, tested, and gave the developed BlockNet courses.

More information about the project.
The courses are available in the e-study platform

Please see the attached presentation for further details on the project results.

The project BlockNet (No. 2018-1-LT01-KA203-047044) has been funded with support from the European Commission „Erasmus+“ KA2.