Elena Sügis introduces artificial intelligence to radiologists

Elena Sügis
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut

Elena Sügis, Lecturer in Health Informatics at the Institute of Computer Science, participated as an educator in the online course "Masterclass in AI" for radiologists. The course was organised by the European Society of Radiology and EuSoMII - European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is developing very rapidly. According to Elena Sügis, it will allow doctors to reduce their workload, improve the accuracy of diagnosis and clinical decisions and offer better healthcare in case of deficiency of specialists in the field. "One field that has attracted particular attention for the application of AI is radiology. There is significant interest in using neural networks to analyse clinical images for the purposes of computer-aided diagnostics," explained Sügis.

"Masterclass in AI "is a cutting-edge online course designed to provide radiologists with a fundamental education in Al, from basics to clinical implementation, advancing their daily practice. According to Elena Sügis, there is no reason to fear artificial intelligence taking over the role of doctors. "AI has the potential to transform healthcare, but it will not replace the essential role of doctors in providing care. Doctors who adopt and use AI tools in their practice may have a competitive advantage over those who do not, "she added.

With more than 130 000 members, the European Society of Radiology is the largest organisation of radiologists in the world. Members from all over the world are welcome to attend the online course "Masterclass in AI".

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