Henry Narits

Data Science Seminar - Sustainable Development

The Data Science Seminar took place on October 31st, 3:45 – 8 p.m. Estonian time on the topic of sustainable development.

The seminar focused on minimizing climate change through hi-tech solutions, accurate data collection and management, the advantage of optimized complicated energy systems, and getting the maximum benefits out of afforestation.

Recording of the event

Gallery of the event


Programme in detail:

15:45 - Gathering and coffee

16:15-17:30 - Session I (moderated by Meelis Kull)

16:15  - Data for nature conservation and restoration: new tools and opportunities  Aveliina Helm, Professor of Restoration Ecology, University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
16:40 - Uncertainty estimation in Estonian forest inventory – Kalev Pärna, Professor Emeritus, University of Tartu, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics  
17:05 - The new forest economy  Kristjan Lepik, CEO & Co-Founder of Arbonics

17:30 - Coffee break

17:30-19:00 - Session II (moderated by Ardi Tampuu)

17:45 - Wonderful Radar – Rich View Through Clouds  Tauri Tampuu, Research and development manager, SAR expert, and Kaupo Voormansik, SAR expert, CEO of KappaZeta Ltd 
18:10 - Personalized optimization in electric power system  Kirill Grjaznov, Data Scientist, and Arko Kesküla, Data Scientist, STACC
18:35 - Low-cost sensing for environmental sustainability – Huber Flores, Associate Professor of Pervasive Computing, University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science 

19:00 - Networking


Prof. Jaak Vilo
Data Science Chair
Institute of Computer Science
University of Tartu, +372 50 49 365 (Jaak Vilo),+372 737 6402 (Carolin Siimenson)

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