Topic: cooperation

Industry Collaboration
Opportunities for industry collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science.
University of Tartu participates as a data partner in the DARWIN EU® research network for data analysis and action data
The University of Tartu has been selected by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as one of the data partners of the DARWIN EU® network. This  is a first step towards the common use of health data
Computer Graphics Project Expo 2023
Come and participate in University of Tartu Computer Graphics Projects Expo 2023.
10. January 2023 institutecooperationstudies
University of Tartu received €30 million to develop a centre of excellence for personalised medicine
Tartu Ülikooli ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi eestvedamisel luuakse järgmise kuue aasta jooksul Eestisse rahvusvahelisel tipptasemel personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskus.
06. January 2023 cooperationfor society
Industrial Master's Programme in IT for partners
The Industrial Master's Programme in IT is a practical study program that brings together master’s students from the Institute of Computer Science and establishments.
05. January 2023 entrepreneurship
We invite companies and institutions to participate in Delta Career Day
The University of Tartu's biggest career expo – Delta Career Day – will be held for the seventh time on 19 February 2025.
Round table meet on digitalisation technologies and agri-food sector
A round table discussion meet to initiate joint research collaborations and academic cooperation with researchers from Tartu University was organized in Estonian University of Life Sciences.
21. December 2022 institutecooperationresearch
Wise and the University of Tartu Foundation launch a scholarship to encourage women to study IT
Women in bachelor's and master's studies at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science now have the opportunity to apply for a €1,000 scholarship.
05. December 2022 cooperationstudies
Call for thesis subjects
Offer real-world inspired thesis subjects for our students
28. September 2022 entrepreneurshipcooperation
Open call for Machine Learning and Data Science projects from companies
Open call for Machine Learning and Data Science projects
12. September 2022 entrepreneurshipcooperation