Topic: studies

Eno Tõnisson’s Informatics Teacher Education Scholarship
The Eno Tõnisson Memorial Scholarship aims to encourage the studies of University of Tartu students in fields related to the didactics of informatics.
06. December 2023 for studentstudies
Cybernetica Fellowship
Students of the international Master’s curricula of Software Engineering, Computer Science or Data Science can apply for the Cybernetica Fellowship programme. 
31. December 2021 for studentstudies
Smart Mobility Data Science and Analytics
The EIT Urban Mobility Master programmes are two year, double degree programmes (120 ECTS) leading to two degrees, one from the Entry University and one from the Exit University. The programme curricu
07. December 2021 studies
Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technology
The Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technology
07. December 2021 studies
PhD studies
Doctoral studies
07. December 2021 studies
IT students can apply for several scholarships.
07. December 2021 for studentstudies
Thesis deadlines and guidelines
Here you can find more information about theses deadlines and requirements.
07. December 2021 studies
Practical Training for IT students
Our bachelor and master’s programmes contain a compulsory Practice module designed to improve students' professional skills through practice.
07. December 2021 studies