Detsember 2024
- Alam, S. R., Woods, C., Williams, M., Moore, D., Prior, I., Williams, E., Price, A., Womack, J., McIntosh-Smith, S., Yang-Turner, F., Pryor, M., & Livenson, I. (2024). Federated Single Sign-On and Zero Trust Co-design for AI and HPC Digital Research Infrastructures. arXiv.
- Antipenko, V., & Matulevičius, R. (2025). Functional Security in Automation: The FAST Approach. In E. Paja, J. Zdravkovic, E. Kavakli, & J. Stirna (Eds.), The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Babir, İ. C., Tok, Z. Y., Evcil, M., Gökyer, M. A., Bozkurt, B., & Akleylek, S. (2024). Intrusion Detection on ARINC-429 Communication Bus. 2024 AIAA DATC/IEEE 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC).
- Evcil, M., Tok, Z. Y., Babir, İ. C., Gökyer, M. A., Bozkurt, B., & Akleylek, S. (2024). Hardware Fingerprinting Using Machine and Deep Learning Methods on MIL-STD-1553. 2024 AIAA DATC/IEEE 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC).
- Farzaliyev, V., Pärn, C., Saarse, H., & Willemson, J. (2024). Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Action: Applications to Electronic Voting. Journal of Cryptology.
- Ottun, A.-R., Akintola, A., Liyanage, M., Boerger, M., Hui, P., Tarkoma, S., Tcholtchev, N., Nurmi, P., & Flores, H. (2024). AI Robustness Against Attacks in City-Scale Autonomous Drone Deployments. Computer.
- Pallaseni, A., Peets, E. M., Girling, G., Crepaldi, L., Kuzmin, I., Moor, M., Muñoz-Subirana, N., Schimmel, J., Serçin, Ö., Mardin, B. R., Tijsterman, M., Peterson, H., Kosicki, M., & Parts, L. (2024). The interplay of DNA repair context with target sequence predictably biases Cas9-generated mutations. Nature Communications.
- Seyhan, K., & Akleylek, S. (2025). A Comprehensive Comparison of Lattice-Based Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols Defined on Modules. In G. Mammadova, T. Aliev, & K. Aida-zade (Eds.), Information Technologies and Their Applications. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Shoush, M., & Dumas, M. (2025). White box specification of intervention policies for prescriptive process monitoring. Data & Knowledge Engineering.
- Zuniga, A., Olapade, M., Motlagh, N. H., Liyanage, M., Yin, Z., Dar, F., Nguyen, N. T., Akintola, A., Radeta, M., Tarkoma, S., Flores, H., & Nurmi, P. (2024). Low-Cost Sensing for Environmental Sustainability. IEEE Pervasive Computing.
- Tammisto, M.-A., Pfahl, D., & Shah, F. A. (2025). Generating and Evolving Real-Life Like Synthetic Data for e-Government Services Without Using Real-World Raw Data. In D. Pfahl, J. Gonzalez Huerta, J. Klünder, & H. Anwar (Eds.), Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. Industry-, Workshop-, and Doctoral Symposium Papers. Springer Nature Switzerland.
November 2024
- Allikivi, M.-L., Järve, J., & Kull, M. (2024). Cautious Calibration in Binary Classification. European Conference in Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024).
- Carneiro Alves de Lima, B. R., Kramer, M., Apinis, K. and Micinski, K. (2024) Incremental Evaluation of Dynamic Datalog Programs as a Higher-order DBSP Program. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
- Flores, H. (2024). AI Sensors and Dashboards. IEEE Computer Magazine.
- Georgiades, M. (2024). A Use Case Grammar for Requirements Specification. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD).
- Holter, K., Hennoste, J. O., Lam, P., Saan, S., Vojdani, V. (2024). Abstract Debuggers: Exploring Program Behaviors Using Static Analysis Results. Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software.
- Iqbal, M., Suhail, S., Milani, F., & Halas, Y. (2024). Metaverse in financial industry: Use cases, value, and challenges. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights.
- Kalmus, J., Nikiforova, A. (2024). To accept or not to accept? An IRT-TOE Framework to Understand Educators’ Resistance to Generative AI in Higher Education. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on AI in Education and Educational Research (AIEER) in conjunction with ECAI.
- Kliimask, K., & Nikiforova, A. (2024, September). TAGIFY: LLM-powered Tagging Interface for Improved Data Findability on OGD portals. In 2024, the fifth International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications (IDSTA). IEEE. NB! Artikkel tugineb bakalaureusetööle, mida Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium tunnustas kui aasta parimat bakalaureusetööd.
- Komisarenko, V., & Kull, M. (2024). Improving Calibration by Relating Focal Loss, Temperature Scaling, and Properness. European Conference in Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024). NB! Artikkel võitis auhinna „Outstanding Paper Award at ECAI 2024“. Õnnitleme!
- Kuhn, S., de Jesus, R. P., & Borges, R. M. (2024). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Artificial Intelligence. Encyclopedia.
- Suhail, S., Iqbal, M., Hussain, R., Malik, S. U. R., & Jurdak, R. (2024). TRIPLE: A blockchain-based digital twin framework for cyber–physical systems security. Journal of Industrial Information Integration.
Oktoober 2024
- Ahman, D., & Pretnar, M. (2024). Higher-Order Asynchronous Effects. Logical Methods in Computer Science.
- Erhard, J., Saan, S., Tilscher, S., Schwarz, M., Holter, K., Vojdani, V., & Seidl, H. (2024). Interactive abstract interpretation: Reanalyzing multithreaded C programs for cheap. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
- Flores, H. (2024). The Role of Micromobility in Environmental Monitoring: Reflections and Opportunities on the Use of Pervasive Sensing. IEEE Pervasive Computing.
- Holter, K., Hennoste, J. O., Saan, S., Lam, P., & Vojdani, V. (2024). Abstract Debugging with GobPie. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Future Debugging Techniques.
- Lipmaa, H. (2024). Polymath: Groth16 Is Not the Limit. In: Reyzin, L., Stebila, D. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2024. CRYPTO 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14929. Springer, Cham.
- Lnenicka, M., Nikiforova, A., Luterek, M., Milic, P., Rudmark, D., Neumaier, S., Kević, K., Zuiderwijk, A., & Rodríguez Bolívar, M. P. (2024). Understanding the development of public data ecosystems: From a conceptual model to a six-generation model of the evolution of public data ecosystems. Telematics and Informatics.
- Milani, F., Kubrak, K., & Nava, J. (2024). Strategic redesign of business processes in the digital age: A framework. Data & Knowledge Engineering.
- Reisberg, S., Mooses, K., Kolde, R., Kõrgvee, L.-T., & Vilo, J. (2024). Uudne lähenemine – OMOP-andmemudelil põhinevad terviseuuringud. Eesti Arst.
- Rätsep, L., Lellep, R., & Fishel, M. (2024). Enabling Conversational Speech Synthesis using Noisy Spontaneous Data. ISCA Archive.
- Shao, D., Ishengoma, F., Nikiforova, A., & Swetu, M. (2024). Comparative analysis of data protection regulations in East African countries. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance.
- Sharma, S., Howell, N., Ventä-Olkkonen, L., Iivari, N., Eden, G., Hartikainen, H., Kinnula, M., Durall, E., Nitsche, M., Okkonen, J., Pait, S., Rubegni, E., Sluis-Thiescheffer, W., van der Velden, L., & Varanasi, U. S. (2024). Promoting Criticality with Design Futuring with Young Children. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
- Simonofski, A., Nikiforova, A., Lněnička, M., & Bono Rosselló, N. Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyzer for Open Government Data Ecosystems: A Typological Theory Approach. HICSS.
- Tiks, M., Martens, O.-K., Vainikko, E., & Kuhn, S. (2024). A Reversible Debugger for MPI Applications. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Future Debugging Techniques.
- Tsiporenko, I., Chizhov, P., & Fishman, D. (2024). Going Beyond U-Net: Assessing Vision Transformers for Semantic Segmentation in Microscopy Image Analysis. arXiv.
- Unruh, D. Without Loss of Generality. (2024). Archive of Formal Proofs.
- Unruh, D. With-Type – Poor man’s dependent types. (2024). Archive of Formal Proofs.
September 2024
- Akintola, A., Liyanage, M., Machado, R., Norbisrath, U., Nurmi, P., & Flores, H. (2024). Smart Plants on Wheels: Enhancing Indoor Productivity Using Smart Plants and Autonomous Ground Drones. IEEE Pervasive Computing.
- Allas, Ü., & Tenson, T. (2024). Vaade antibiootikumiresistentsusele algatuse „Üks tervis” perspektiivist. Eesti Arst.
- Dorkin, A., & Sirts, K. (2024). Sõnajaht: Definition Embeddings and Semantic Search for Reverse Dictionary Creation. In D. Bollegala & V. Shwartz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Duque-Torres, A., Pfahl, D., Klammer, C., & Fischer, S. (2024). MetaExploreX: A Visualisation Tool for Selecting and Constraining Metamorphic Relations. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering – Companion.
- Iqbal, M., Chiarelli, A., & Matulevičius, R. (2024). Bridging Two Worlds: Framework for Secure Implementation of Blockchain Oracles. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering – Companion.
- Iqbal, M., Suhail, S., & Matulevicius, R. (2024). DECEPTWIN: Proactive Security Approach for IoV by Leveraging Deception-based Digital Twins and Blockchain. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
- Kalbaliyev, E., & Sirts, K. (2024). On Narrative Question Answering Skills. In K. Duh, H. Gomez, & S. Bethard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Khan, F., Anwar, H., & Pfahl, D. (2024). Comparing Approaches for Prioritizing and Selecting Scenarios in Simulation-based Safety Testing of Automated Driving Systems. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal.
- Kubrak, K., Botchorishvili, L., Milani, F., Nolte, A., & Dumas, M. (2024). Explanatory Capabilities of Large Language Models in Prescriptive Process Monitoring. In A. Marrella, M. Resinas, M. Jans, & M. Rosemann (Eds.), Business Process Management. Springer Nature Switzerland. NB! Artikkel võitis auhinna "Best Paper Award at the Business Process Management Conference 2024". Õnnitleme!
- Kuhn, S., Reitel, K., Homapour, E., Kork, K., Vaino, V., Arula, T., Bernotas, P., & Reile, I. (2024). Discriminating the origin of fish from closely related water bodies by combining NMR spectroscopy with statistical analysis and machine learning. Ecological Informatics.
- Malina, L., Dzurenda, P., Lövinger, N., Ekeh, I. F., & Matulevicius, R. (2024). Secure and Privacy-Preserving Car-Sharing Systems. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
- Nikiforova, A., Lnenicka, M., Milić, P., Luterek, M., & Rodríguez Bolívar, M. P. (2024). From the Evolution of Public Data Ecosystems to the Evolving Horizons of the Forward-Looking Intelligent Public Data Ecosystem Empowered by Emerging Technologies. In M. Janssen, J. Crompvoets, J. R. Gil-Garcia, H. Lee, I. Lindgren, A. Nikiforova, & G. Viale Pereira (Eds.), Electronic Government. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Ottun, A.-R., Marasinghe, R., Elemosho, T., Liyanage, M., Ahmed, A. H., Boerger, M., Sandeepa, C., Senevirathna, T., La, V. H., Nguyen, M.-D., Soriente, C., Marchal, S., Wang, S., Noguero, D. S., Tcholtchev, N., Ding, A. Y., & Flores, H. (2024). SPATIAL: Practical AI Trustworthiness with Human Oversight. 2024 IEEE 44th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.
- Ottun, A.-R., Marasinghe, R., Elemosho, T., Liyanage, M., Ragab, M., Bagave, P., Westberg, M., Asadi, M., Boerger, M., Sandeepa, C., Senevirathna, T., Siniarski, B., Liyanage, M., La, V. H., Nguyen, M.-D., De Oca, E. M., Oomen, T., Ferreira Gonçalves, J. F., Tanasković, I., … Flores, H. (2024). The SPATIAL Architecture: Design and Development Experiences from Gauging and Monitoring the AI Inference Capabilities of Modern Applications. 2024 IEEE 44th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.
- Pajusalu, M., Mooses, K., Oja, M., Tamm, S., Haug, M., & Kolde, R. (2024). TrajectoryViz: Interactive visualization of treatment trajectories. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked.
- Santoro, C., Flores, C.C., Nikiforova, A., Zuiderwijk, A. & Crompvoets, J. (2024), Exploring Governance Modes in Open Data Initiatives: Insights from France and Ireland. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
- Shahroudi, N., Lepson, M., & Kull, M. (2024). Evaluation of Trajectory Distribution Predictions with Energy Score. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning.
- Sharma, N., & Sirts, K. (2024). Context is Important in Depressive Language: A Study of the Interaction Between the Sentiments and Linguistic Markers in Reddit Discussions. In O. De Clercq, V. Barriere, J. Barnes, R. Klinger, J. Sedoc, & S. Tafreshi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis. Association for Computational Linguistics. NB! Artikkel võitis auhinna "Best Article of the Workshop". Õnnitleme!
- Sokol, K., Kull, M., Chan, J., & Salim, F. (2024). Cross-model Fairness: Empirical Study of Fairness and Ethics Under Model Multiplicity. ACM J. Responsib. Comput.
- Suhail, S., Iqbal, M., & McLaughlin, K. (2024). Digital-Twin-Driven Deception Platform: Vision and Way Forward. IEEE Internet Computing.
- Zulkifli, S. F., Gharib, M., & Taveter, K. (n.d.). First Steps Towards Building a Dictionary of Emotional Requirements in Healthcare and Well-Being. 2024 IEEE 32nd International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops.
- Tambets, R., Kolde, A., Kolberg, P., Love, M. I., & Alasoo, K. (2024). Extensive co-regulation of neighbouring genes complicates the use of eQTLs in target gene prioritisation. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances.
August 2024
- Rhazzafe, S., Caraffini, F., Colreavy-Donnelly, S., Dhassi, Y., Kuhn, S., Nikolov, N.S. (2024). Hybrid Summarization of Medical Records for Predicting Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit. Applied Sciences.
- Kaivo-oja, J., Ainamo, A. (2024). Can we achieve sustainable responsibility in corporations and SMEs? Reviewing interconnections across research themes of corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and environmental management. Futures of Natural Resources Conference.
- Dar, F., Liyanage, M., Olapade, M., Yin, Z., Ottun, A.-R., Akintola, A., Silva, F. A., Flores, H. (2024). Demo Abstract: PRINCE: Device Energy Estimation with a Single Photo. 2024 IEEE/ACM Ninth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI)
- Dar, F., Olapade, M., Ottun, A.-R., Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Zuniga, A., Passanantti, M., Tarkoma, S., Nurmi, P., Flores, H. (2024). LIZARD: Pervasive Sensing for Autonomous Plastic Litter Monitoring. 2024 IEEE/ACM Ninth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI)
- Shvetsov, D., Ariva, J., Domnich, M., Vicente, R., Fishman, D. (2024). COIN: Counterfactual Inpainting for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Medical Images. In: Longo, L., Lapuschkin, S., Seifert, C. (eds) Explainable Artificial Intelligence. xAI 2024.
- Flores, H., Zuniga, A., Radeta, M., Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Motlagh, N. H., Nguyen, N. T., Tarkoma, S., Youssef, M., & Nurmi, P. (2024). SEAGULL: Low-Cost Pervasive Sensing for Monitoring and Analysing Underwater Plastics. 2024 IEEE/ACM Ninth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI).
- Ainamo, A., Kuehrer, S., Holm, R., Mattila. L. (2024). Governance and Sustainability. Europe EU project.
- Ainamo, A., Peltokorpi, A. (2024). Innovation meets institutions: AI and the Finnish construction ecosystem.12th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation
- Lappalainen, E., Uusitalo, P., Seppänen, O., Peltokorpi, A., Ainamo, A., & Reinbold, A. (2024). User experiences of situational awareness systems in infrastructure construction. Construction Management and Economics
- Ainamo, A., Kaivo-oja, J., Haukioja, J. (2024). Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Economic Development. Sustainability.
- Tulev, U., Shevtshenko, E., Ermus, I. (2024). Evaluating Postal Systems’ Current State, Roadmap to Automation. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos & F. Ferrada (Eds.), Technological Innovation for Human-Centric Systems. Springer Nature .
- Ainamo, A., Nieminen, M. (2024). University ecosystem for student startups: Aalto Entrepreneurial Society as inhabited institution. 40th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium.
Juuli 2024
- Bahache, A. N., Chikouche, N., & Akleylek, S. (2024). Securing Cloud-based Healthcare Applications with a Quantum-resistant Authentication and Key Agreement Framework. Internet of Things.
- Bakhtina, M., Kvapil, J., Švenda, P., & Matulevičius, R. (2024). The Power of Many: Securing Organisational Identity Through Distributed Key Management. Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 36th International Conference, CAiSE 2024.
- Domnich, M., & Vicente, R. (2024). Enhancing Counterfactual Explanation Search with Diffusion Distance and Directional Coherence. In L. Longo, S. Lapuschkin, & C. Seifert (Eds.), Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Gulzar, M., Muhammad, Y., & Muhammad, N. (2024). Navigating roundabouts and unprotected turns in autonomous driving. IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics.
- Iqbal, M., Mont, H., & Matulevičius, R. (2024). STAMP: Blockchain and DAO-based Student Attendance Management Platform. 2024 7th International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom). IEEE.
- Iqbal, M., Zubair, M., Suhail, S., Shah, F.A., Milani, F. (2024). Blockchain-Driven Secure Auditing of Timber-to-Charcoal Supply Chain. In: Lupeikienė, A., Ralyté, J., Dzemyda, G. (eds) Digital Business and Intelligent Systems. DB&IS 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2157. Springer, Cham.
- Korobenko, D., Nikiforova, A., & Sharma, R. (2024). Towards a Privacy and Security-Aware Framework for Ethical AI: Guiding the Development and Assessment of AI Systems. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research.
- Kuulmets, H.-A., Purason, T., Luhtaru, A., & Fishel, M. (2024). Teaching Llama a New Language Through Cross-Lingual Knowledge Transfer. In K. Duh, H. Gomez, & S. Bethard (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Lappalainen, E., Uusitalo, P., Seppänen, O., Peltokorpi, A., Ainamo, A., & Reinbold, A. (2024). User experiences of situational awareness systems in infrastructure construction. Construction Management and Economics.
- Lappalainen, E., Uusitalo, P., Seppänen, O., Peltokorpi, A., Reinbold, A., Ainamo, A., Görsch, C., & Nyqvist, R. (2024). Situational Management and Digital Situational Awareness Systems in Infrastructure Construction: Managerial Perspectives on Relevance, Challenges, and Adoption. Buildings.
- Lnenicka, M., Nikiforova, A., Luterek, M., Milic, P., Rudmark, D., Neumaier, S., Kević, K., Zuiderwijk, A., & Rodríguez Bolívar, M. P. (2023). Understanding the development of public data ecosystems: From a conceptual model to a six-generation model of the evolution of public data ecosystems. SSRN Scholarly Paper.
- Matulevičius, R. (2024). Information Security in Digital Business and Intelligent Systems, Keynote talk at. Baltic DB&IS 2024. In: Lupeikienė, A., Ralyté, J., Dzemyda, G. (eds) Digital Business and Intelligent Systems. DB&IS 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2157. Springer, Cham.
- Molodtsov, F., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). An Integrated Usability Framework for Evaluating Open Government Data Portals: Comparative Analysis of EU and GCC Countries. arXiv.
- Molodtsov, F., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). From an Integrated Usability Framework to Lessons on Usability and Performance of Open Government Data Portals: A Comparative Study of European Union and Gulf Cooperation Council Countries. arXiv.
- Nikiforova, A., Lnenicka, M., Milić, P., Luterek, M. and Bolívar, M.P.R. (2024). From the evolution of public data ecosystems to the evolving horizons of the forward-looking intelligent public data ecosystem empowered by emerging technologies. arXiv.
- Nikiforova, A., Tseng, H.-L., Azmat Butt, S., Draheim, D., & Liu, L.-C. (2024). Sociotechnical Transformation in the Decade of Healthy Ageing to empower the Silver Economy: Bridging the Silver Divide through Social and Digital Inclusion. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research.
- Olapade, M., Hasanli, T., Ottun, A.-R., Akintola, A., Liyanage, M., & Flores, H. (2024). Pervasive Chatbots: Investigating Chatbot Interventions for Multi-Device Applications. Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization.
- Quarati, A., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Automating the Identification of High-Value Datasets in Open Government Data Portals. arXiv.
- Rajamae-Soosaar, K., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Exploring Estonia’s Open Government Data Development as a Journey towards Excellence: Unveiling the Progress of Local Governments in Open Data Provision. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research.
- Soosaar, K. R., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Bridging the Gap: Unravelling Local Government Data Sharing Barriers in Estonia and Beyond. arXiv.
- Suhail, S., Iqbal, M., & McLaughlin, K. (2024). Digital Twin-Driven Deception Platform: Vision and Way Forward. IEEE Internet Computing.
- Tamm, H. C., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Towards augmented data quality management: Automation of Data Quality Rule Definition in Data Warehouses. arXiv.
- Tseng, H.-L., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Unlocking the Potential of Open Government Data: Exploring the Strategic, Technical, and Application Perspectives of High-Value Datasets Opening in Taiwan. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research.
- Tulev, U., Shevtshenko, E., & Ermus, I. (2024). Evaluating Postal Systems’ Current State, Roadmap to Automation. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos & F. Ferrada (Eds.), Technological Innovation for Human-Centric Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Juuni 2024
- Bakhtina M., Vémolová V., Matyáš V. (2024): CHESS: Cyber-security Excellence Hub in Estonia and South Moravia, RPE@CAiSE’24: Research Projects Exhibition at the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, June 3–7, 2024, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Bakhtina, M., Matulevičius, R., & Malina, L. (2024). Information Security and Privacy Management in Intelligent Transportation Systems. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.
- Daubner, L., Maksović, S., Matulevičius, R., Buhnova, B., & Sedlác̆ek, T. (2024). Forensic-Ready Analysis Suite: A Tool Support for Forensic-Ready Software Systems Design. In J. Araújo, J. L. de la Vara, M. Y. Santos, & S. Assar (Eds.), Research Challenges in Information Science. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Flores, H. (2024). Opportunistic Multi-Drone Networks: Filling the Spatiotemporal Holes of Collaborative and Distributed Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
- Gharib, M. (2024). Towards a Heuristic Model for Usable Privacy. The 1st International Usable Security and Privacy for Emerging Technologies for Emerging Technologies (ASPIRING’24) Workshop - Joint Proceedings of RCIS 2024 Workshops and Research Projects Track, 1–10.
- Gharib, M. (2024). US4USec: A User Story Model for Usable Security. In J. Araújo, J. L. de la Vara, M. Y. Santos, & S. Assar (Eds.), Research Challenges in Information Science. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Gharib, M., Falco, M., Nijboer, F., Tinga, A. M., D’Agostini, S., Rovini, E., Fiorini, L., Cavallo, F., & Taveter, K. (2024). Dealing with Emotional Requirements for Software Ecosystems: Findings and Lessons Learned in the PHArA-ON Project. In J. Araújo, J. L. de la Vara, M. Y. Santos, & S. Assar (Eds.), Research Challenges in Information Science. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Jaanuska, L., & Hein, H. (2024). Stiffness parameter prediction for elastic supports of non-uniform rods. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica.
- Machado, R. P., Norbisrath, U., & Jubeh, and R. (2024). IoT Educational Framework Case Study: Devices as Things for Hands-on Collaboration. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
- Matulevičius R., Proper H. A. (eds.): Proceedings of the Research Projects Exhibition Papers Presented at the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2024) Limassol, Cyprus, June 3-7, 2024.
Mai 2024
- Campanelli, M., Faonio, A., Fiore, D., Li, T., & Lipmaa, H. (2024). Lookup Arguments: Improvements, Extensions and Applications to Zero-Knowledge Decision Trees. In Q. Tang & V. Teague (Eds.), Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Escobar, S., Otmani, A., Akleylek, S. & Ogata, Kazuhiro (2024). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Formal Analysis and Verification of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols (FAVPQC). Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Press.
- Garg, P. K., Chakraborty, R., & Dandapat, S. K. (2024). OntoDSumm: Ontology-Based Tweet Summarization for Disaster Events. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
- Garg, P. K., Chakraborty, R., Gupta, S., & Dandapat, S. K. (2024). IKDSumm: Incorporating key-phrases into BERT for extractive disaster tweet summarization. Computer Speech & Language.
- Lipmaa, H., Parisella, R., & Siim, J. (2024). Constant-Size zk-SNARKs in ROM from Falsifiable Assumptions. In M. Joye & G. Leander (Eds.), Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Nguyen, N. T., Zuniga, A., Radeta, M., Flores, H., & Nurmi, P. (2024). Life is Plastic? Detecting the Presence of Micro-Plastics in Food and Drink Containers. Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
- Seyhan, K., Akleylek, S., & Dursun, A. F. (2024). Password authenticated key exchange-based on Kyber for mobile devices. PeerJ Computer Science.
- Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Ottun, A.-R., Dar, F., Olapade, M., & Flores, H. (2024). Demo Abstract: A Smart Ring Monitoring Your Health using Hand-grip Strength. Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems.
Aprill 2024
- Çevik, N., & Akleylek, S. (2024). SoK of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Based Anomaly Detection Methods for Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast. IEEE Access.
- Chhetri, T. R., Dehury, C. K., Varghese, B., Fensel, A., Srirama, S. N., & DeLong, R. J. (2024). Enabling privacy-aware interoperable and quality IoT data sharing with context. Future Generation Computer Systems.
- Dorkin, A., & Sirts, K. (2024). TartuNLP @ SIGTYP 2024 Shared Task: Adapting XLM-RoBERTa for Ancient and Historical Languages. In M. Hahn, A. Sorokin, R. Kumar, A. Shcherbakov, Y. Otmakhova, J. Yang, O. Serikov, P. Rani, E. M. Ponti, S. Muradoğlu, R. Gao, R. Cotterell, & E. Vylomova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Haug, M., Oja, M., Pajusalu, M., Mooses, K., Reisberg, S., Vilo, J., Giménez, A. F., Falconer, T., Danilović, A., Maljkovic, F., Dawoud, D., & Kolde, R. (2024). Markov modeling for cost-effectiveness using federated health data network. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
- Korobenko, D., Nikiforova, A., & Sharma, R. (2024). Towards a Privacy and Security-Aware Framework for Ethical AI: Guiding the Development and Assessment of AI Systems. arXiv.
- Kubrak, K., Botchorishvili, L., Milani, F., Dumas, M., Nolte, A., Shoush, M., Qu, Z. (2024). Kairos: A Tool for Prescriptive Monitoring of Business Processes. Doctoral Consortium and Demo Track co-located with the 5th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2023). NB! Artikkel võitis auhinna “Best demo at ICPM 2024”. Õnnitleme!
- Luhtaru, A., Korotkova, E., & Fishel, M. (2024). No Error Left Behind: Multilingual Grammatical Error Correction with Pre-trained Translation Models. In Y. Graham & M. Purver (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Luhtaru, A., Purason, T., Vainikko, M., Del, M., & Fishel, M. (2024). To Err Is Human, but Llamas Can Learn It Too. arXiv.
- Molodtsov, F., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). An Integrated Usability Framework for Evaluating Open Government Data Portals: Comparative Analysis of EU and GCC Countries. arXiv.
- Olapade, M., Ottun, A.-R., Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Akintola, A., & Flores, H. (2024). Seamless Integration of Nano-Drones and Sensors for Agriculture Monitoring at Scale. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Internet of Things.
- Olapade, M., Ottun, A.-R., Yin, Z., Liyanage, M., Makarov, A., & Flores, H. (2024). Low-Cost Produce Quality Monitoring at Scale: A Practical Re-purposing Framework for Pervasive Agriculture. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Internet of Things.
- Rajamäe-Soosaar, K., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Exploring Estonia’s Open Government Data Development as a Journey towards Excellence: Unveiling the Progress of Local Governments in Open Data Provision. arXiv.
- Raun, K., Tommasini, R., & Awad, A. Adaptive Handling of Out-of-order Streams in Conformance Checking. The 26th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP 2024). NB! Artikkel võitis auhinna “Best paper of DOLAP 2024”. Õnnitleme!
- Tseng, H.-L., & Nikiforova, A. (2024). Unlocking the Potential of Open Government Data: Exploring the Strategic, Technical, and Application Perspectives of High-Value Datasets Opening in Taiwan. arXiv.
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Märts 2024
- Angarita, M. A. M., Kolnes, M., & Nolte, A. (2024). Startup Creation Beyond Hackathons – A Survey on Startup Development and Support. In S. Hyrynsalmi, J. Münch, K. Smolander, & J. Melegati (Eds.), Software Business. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Jauernig, F., Falaleyeva, M., Cevani, S., Hrabovec, M., Matveev, D., Iqbal, M., & Suhail, S. (2023). Trust in Sociotechnical Systems: The Case of Aluminum Packaging Process. 2023 IEEE Smart World Congress.
- Kuhn, S., Kolshorn, H., Steinbeck, C., & Schlörer, N. (2024). Twenty years of nmrshiftdb2: A case study of an open database for analytical chemistry. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
- Lnenicka, M., Nikiforova, A., Clarinval, A., Luterek, M., Rudmark, D., Neumaier, S., Kević, K., & Rodríguez Bolívar, M. P. (2024). Sustainable open data ecosystems in smart cities: A platform theory-based analysis of 19 European cities. Cities.
- Luhtaru, A., Vainikko, M., Liin, K., Allkivi-Metsoja, K., Kippar, J., Eslon, P., & Fishel, M. (2024). Autocorrect for Estonian texts: Final report from project EKTB25. arXiv.
- Radeta, M., Freitas, R., Rodrigues, C., Zuniga, A., Nguyen, N. T., Flores, H., & Nurmi, P. (2024). Man and the Machine: Effects of AI-assisted Human Labeling on Interactive Annotation of Real-Time Video Streams. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.
- Satilmiş, H., Akleylek, S., & Tok, Z. Y. (2024). A Systematic Literature Review on Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Access.
- Seyhan, K., & Akleylek, S. (2024). A new lattice-based password authenticated key exchange scheme with anonymity and reusable key. PeerJ Computer Science.
Veebruar 2024
- Arat, F., & Akleylek, S. (2023). A new method for vulnerability and risk assessment of IoT. Computer Networks.
- Lnenicka, M., Nikiforova, A., Luterek, M., Milic, P., Rudmark, D., Neumaier, S., Santoro, C., Casiano Flores, C., Janssen, M., & Rodríguez Bolívar, M. P. (2024). Identifying patterns and recommendations of and for sustainable open data initiatives: A benchmarking-driven analysis of open government data initiatives among European countries. Government Information Quarterly.
- Ottun, A.-R., Asadi, M., Boerger, M., Tcholtchev, N., Gonçalves, J., Borovčanin, D., Siniarsk, B., & Flores, H. (2023). One to Rule them All: A Study on Requirement Management Tools for the Development of Modern AI-based Software. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
- Tran, D. D., Ogata, K., Escobar, S., Akleylek, S., & Otmani, A. (2024). Formal Analysis of Post-Quantum Hybrid Key Exchange SSH Transport Layer Protocol. IEEE Access.
Jaanuar 2024
- Arat, F., & Akleylek, S. (2023). Modified graph-based algorithm to analyze security threats in IoT. PeerJ Computer Science.
- Basu, S., Seyhan, K., Islam, S. H., & Akleylek, S. (2023). MLWR-2PAKA: A Hybrid Module Learning With Rounding-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Two-Party Communication. IEEE Systems Journal.
- Iqbal, M., Kormiltsyn, A., Dwivedi, V., & Matulevičius, R. (2024). Blockchain-based ontology driven reference framework for security risk management. Data & Knowledge Engineering.
- Nguyen, N. T., Zubair, M., Zuniga, A., Tarkoma, S., Hui, P., Lee, H., Perrault, S. T., Ammar, M. H., Flores, H., & Nurmi, P. (2023). The Price is Right? The Economic Value of Sharing Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
- Oja, M., Tamm, S., Mooses, K., Pajusalu, M., Talvik, H.-A., Ott, A., Laht, M., Malk, M., Lõo, M., Holm, J., Haug, M., Šuvalov, H., Särg, D., Vilo, J., Laur, S., Kolde, R., & Reisberg, S. (2023). Transforming Estonian health data to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model: Lessons learned. JAMIA Open.
- Saan, S., Schwarz, M., Erhard, J., Seidl, H., Tilscher, S., & Vojdani, V. (2024). Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation. In R. Dimitrova, O. Lahav, & S. Wolff (Eds.), Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation. Springer Nature Switzerland. NB! Artikkel võitis auhinna “Best paper award at VMCAI 2024”. Õnnitleme!
- Suhail, S., Iqbal, M., & Jurdak, R. (2023). The Perils of Leveraging Evil Digital Twins as Security-Enhancing Enablers. Communications of the ACM.
- Yen, T., Vengusamy, S., Caraffini, F., Kuhn, S., & Colreavy-Donnelly, S. (2023). Image Processing Model to Estimate Nutritional Values in Raw and Cooked Vegetables. IEEE.