Workshop on Pervasive Sustainability

Delta hoone
Claudio Parada Nunes

Tartu-Helsinki Research Workshop on Pervasive Sustainability will be held online on 9 September starting at 9 am. Find the program of the event here.

Sasu Tarkoma from the University of Helsinki will give a Keynote Talk, "MegaSense: Environmental Sensing at Scale with 6G".

Abstract: This talk gives an overview of the MegaSense research program that is a collaboration between Computer Science, Atmospheric Sciences and Geosciences at the University of Helsinki. The research program designs and deploys an environmental monitoring system for realizing low-cost, near real-time and high resolution spatio-temporal air pollution maps of urban areas. MegaSense involves a novel hierarchy of distributed air quality sensors, in which more accurate sensors calibrate lower cost sensors. Current low-cost air quality sensors suffer from measurement drift and they have low accuracy. We address this significant open problem for dense urban areas by developing a calibration scheme based on machine learning that detects and automatically corrects drift. MegaSense integrates with the 5G cellular network and leverages mobile edge computing for sensor management and distributed pollution map creation. We pave the way for mega-city and planet-scale sensing systems with 6G and beyond.

Speaker bio: Sasu Tarkoma is a full Professor and the dean of the Faculty of Science at University of Helsinki, Finland. He also leads the Megasense group at the University of Helsinki. His expertise includes the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, and Big data. Megasense focuses on extending state-of-the-art machine learning solutions for air pollution modelling and prediction and integrating them into a scalable data processing and AI platform for air pollution analysis.

There will be several exciting presentations by researchers from the University of Tartu and the University of Helsinki.

You are most welcome to join the event via ZOOM.
Meeting ID: 988 2129 5100; Passcode: 1889769

The research of the organisers has been financed by the European Social Fund.

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